Fatima Hasoumi
{K:373} 1/27/2016
This is lovely image
pasquale ale angelini
{K:2543} 9/7/2015
molto bella ciao pasquale ale angelini
Kasia Koltunska
{K:5825} 6/29/2007
WOW! This is stellar! I love all your fog shots!
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 4/28/2007
Na herzlichen Glühstrumpf zum well deserved award, mein Bester! Die Aufteilung ist grandios, ich liebe diesen fast minimalistischen unteren Bereich. Die Bäume drohen ja fast abzustürzen... Geiles Teil!
Uwe Bachmann
{K:10222} 3/12/2007
hi jeanette, of course i remember and i am still proudly looking forward to participate on this blog. please let me know when it will happen and when you will choose the pictures...:-) thank you again...
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 3/11/2007
do you remember that i asked you if you wanted to contribute with some photos on a blog? I´m still thinking of you in that case and will as soon as possible make a suggestion of some photos.... OK?
Lydia Nel
{K:3579} 3/10/2007
Aaaaa - this is lovely, Uwe - Keep up the good work:)
{K:61359} 3/10/2007
Absolutely superb Uwe!! the atmosphere of this shot is impressive. This is a masterpiece. Congrats
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 3/9/2007
Perfect and awesome....bravo!
{K:6651} 3/9/2007
Gary Dyck
{K:12834} 3/9/2007
Great shot, Uwe! I like how the background hill disappears in the fog. Very dreamy lighting and composition. Cheers, Gary
Mohamed Hussien
{K:8371} 3/9/2007
Beautiful landscape and catching eye clouds, Good composition and well taken capture. The fade from white to gray is very interesting!
Best regards
Uwe Bachmann
{K:10222} 3/9/2007
thank you simone, and your english is really not bad at all :-). i am not very often at usefilm due to technical problems and to less time for all those great photoforums on the web. in former times, usefilm was one of my favourite forums. today, i am more active on ALTphotos e.g. but i will try to watch this one here more often again.
best wishes, uwe
Simone Pallesi
{K:3586} 3/9/2007
A great shot with minimal composition. There is a beautiful light. I like the contrast between the hard details in the foreground and the soft background. I never saw any shots from you, I will come back to visit your portfolio. Sorry for my bad english. Regards Simone