Photograph By Paul Harrett
Paul H.
Photograph By Marcus Armani
Marcus A.
Photograph By David Rodriguez
David R.
Photograph By Phillip  Minnis
Phillip  M.
Photograph By Nigel Watts.
Nigel W.
Photograph By Piero Falciani
Piero F.
Photograph By a. Scarabeo
a. S.
Photograph By giant bear
giant b.
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Imageopolis is a worldwide community of pro and amateur photographers, as well as people who simply love viewing a wide scope of creative photographs, photos that are always being updated in real time. Here photographers of all experiences take pride in the craft and art of photography, share images with others, provide and receive mentoring and critiquing, and meet new friends throughout the world; Photographers in over 190 countries have contributed to the Imageopolis gallery and critiques. Here is a quick glance of what you can do to enhance your time on Imageopolis.

  • UPLOAD YOUR PHOTO: It is very easy… create an account (Sign UP), if you are not already a member. Go to ‘Upload A Photo’ and the process will walk you through to upload your photos.

  • THE IMPORTANCE OF A TITLE AND LOCATION INFORMATION: Giving your photo a meaningful title will help your photo get recognized not only by our imageopolis members, but by the search engines that index our site. This will help the visibility of your photo on imageopolis. If you will notice your photo title is part of the header information in your browser. A proper title can also aid the viewer in understanding your photograph and help them appreciate it. Location information is also important in indexing your image and will give your viewers more insight into your world. Please enter your city and country information to help your viewers.

  • CRITIQUE OR COMMENT: To critique or comment on other photographers work, simply click on any images that you see in the photo gallery. You will then see “RATE THIS IMAGE” (if the photographer wants to be rated), over an empty box. You can then put in your comments and critique of that photo within that box.

  • LOCATE GREAT IMAGES ON IMAGEOPOLIS: Go to the Photo Gallery and you will find a large assortment of options…“Recent Images”, “Today's Images” “Photos by Country” “Staff Choice” “Editors Choice” “Featured Photographers” “Photos By Country” “Critiques Corner"Best in Project" and much much more! Note: Over 190 countries contribute to Imageopolis.

  • HOME PAGE - “Award Winning Images”: Includes EC-Editors Choice, SC-Staff Choice, POD-Photo of the day, FCD-Featured Critique of the day, Photo Project of the Month, BIP-Best in Project and FD-Featured Donor.

  • BLAST FROM THE PAST: See the bottom of the home page; Great photos will never die on Imageopolis.

  • SHARE YOUR IMAGES on facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and some of the other social networks. The more people that come to look at your images the better! Don't forget that any image can also be sent as an iogram electronic postcard to your friends and family. Send them a quick message, share your photos with them via email quick and simple!
You are probably asking yourself, "does the Internet really need another photo site? Well the truth is, probably not. However; IMAGEOPOLIS is not just another Internet photo site! We are not a bulk photo storage site like a Flickr or SmugMug. While they are great sites, they are not like us. Let me go through a brief history of IMAGEOPOLIS so that you will understand just what and who we are.

History: Almost 25 years ago, a couple of photographer friends around the country were chatting on IRC (internet relay chat) which was popular back then. They would send each other photos via email or IRC file transfer and discuss them, offering each other critiques and giving each other projects to shoot etc... The group started to grow from just a few people to around 50 or more and it was becoming a bit unmanageable.

Al Shaikh, one of folks that started this group decided that a web site was needed so that it would be easier to share our images. Realize, that at that time, digital cameras were not all that great, were very expensive, and most of us were still shooting film. I even had a full commercial darkroom at my place. Ah those were the days! Anyway the domain was purchased by Al as kind of a slap in the face to that "passing fad" of digital photography. A web site was built, although a bit crude, as Al was not a web developer, but it worked and started to grow.

By the end of the first year there were hundreds of users and it was growing every day. We would still chat on IRC while discussing the images on the web site. Soon the amount of users outgrew the capabilities of the web site and Al asked me if I would re-write it for him as it would crash on a nightly basis and was extremely slow. At that time there were many thousands of users and several hundred thousand images. The site was completely re-written from the ground up and was very reliable after that point and ready to grow.


The site then really started to grow and there was now well over 100,000 active members, and close to a half million images on-line. At one point had an Alexa rating of around 22,000 which is pretty darn good for a bunch of amateurs! had turned into an amazing community of photographers from around the world. One year we had a convention in Las Vegas and people flew in from all across the USA. We even had people fly in from as far away as Sweden! It was great fun and was nice to meet people face to face. After that, local "get togethers" were a common occurrence all around the world as UseFilm photographers gathered to meet each other. Usefilm continued to grow.

During that time the site was supported by ad clicks and donations. It did OK and was able to support itself however that would soon come to an end as the revenue from ad clicks dropped off and due to the economy and money being tight so did the donations. Other things like jobs and family took precedence and Usefilm kind of slowly faded until one day the servers had a meltdown and that was that. The servers were removed from the rack and sat under my desk for a year. I didn't have the heart to trash them.

Well one day, I got tired of banging my knees on the old Usefilm servers and decided to see if I could salvage the data from the failed disk drives. I was successful in recovering all of the data, I still had all of the UseFilm source code on my computer so I decided to see if I could resurrect the site. I gave Al a call and asked if he would mind if I took over the site, to which he said go for it. Since UseFilm was kind of moot name (can you even buy film any longer?) I decided to rename the site. Fifteen years ago I had purchased with the thought of building another photo site, but never got around to it. Now it looked like I finally had a use for it. is now online with over 100,000 registered photographers and almost a million images on-line and more being added every day. We are adding to the site on a daily basis and will have all sorts of new features coming online throughout the year. like UseFilm is a true photographic community, not just a place to dump and store your photos. This is a place to learn, to share, to critique and to enjoy the art and hobby of photography. We have over 70 photo projects right now with more being added each month, for you to participate in, a real photo forum for you to carry on discussions about photography, everything from the technical to the philosophical with members around the world! We have over 190 countries represented, and we get along better than the U.N.!

So, to answer your question:
No the Internet doesn't need another photo site, but it does need! Sign up today, it is free and start posting your beautiful images. Critique others, or just ask questions, participate in the projects, enjoy the images and share yours! Make this place Your Photo Community!



"A Blast From The Past"
A look back at all award winning photos from years past.
tuff day
Zbigniew Biejat
adem sinanoglu

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