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  Photography Forum: Photography Help Forum: 
  Q. HELP with non-auto focusing Nikon F55!!

Asked by Doug Howting    (K=25) on 5/29/2008 
First of all I'd like to say I'm new to photography and this great site!! so "HELLO!!" )

So the last time I used my camera it worked fine. Now the auto focus feature works, but doesn't focus clearly at closer distances. Far off objects are in focus but that isn't surprising. I also noticed the small auto focus assist light, beside the shutter release isn't working. It won't focus in bright light either though so is that little light a factor?

I have a Nikon f55 with an AF Nikkor 28-100mm 1:3.5-5.6 G CPU lens

It is a basic point and shoot Film SLR. I have cleaned the focusing screen, mirror and CPU contacts on the lens itself. I've also loaded in new film and batteries. It focuses fine manually and I guess I don't need the auto feature, it's just nice when I want quick point and shoot shots. I'm using FUJICOLOR SUPERIA X-tra DX 400 ISO film.
Any help is appreciated!!


 Jeroen Wenting  Donor  (K=25317) - Comment Date 5/31/2008
It could be it's focussing on something else from what you're intending.
Remember this camera will (as standard, I think you can change it somewhere) probably focus on what's in the center of the viewfinder (as do most entry level cameras as that's where most snapshooters will place their subjects).
That's generally not what you intent to focus on of course if you follow best practice for composition.

The AF assist light will only come on if there's not enough light for the AF sensor to do its work without it, so unless you're shooting in low light it will usually stay off.

It is of course possible that the AF sensor or motor doesn't work properly, but unless you can exclude operator error I'd not assume that.

 Doug Howting   (K=25) - Comment Date 6/1/2008
Yeah, it's got three different focusing zones, you can select each one individually or all three at once and I've tried all the settings. I'm pretty sure it's not operator error, I'm not THAT new, haha. I am affraid my AF sensor is toast. The camera is about 7 years old. Time for a DSLR me thinks!

 Jeroen Wenting  Donor  (K=25317) - Comment Date 6/1/2008
any excuse to buy more Nikon gear is a good one

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