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Critiques From Richard Lyons

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Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
8/8/2011 3:10:41 PM

Excellent skin and hair tones, color, and highlights. If I had the right to mention anything that may detract it would be the background. I understand that one often must work with what they have and I would be the first to say that if it does not matter to you then who in the world cares what I think. Enjoy the day and thanks for sharing.
        Photo By: Handy Loekito  (K:785)

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
8/8/2011 3:02:11 PM

One of your more untraditional poses and what is more surprising is although your more usual vertical full face or side views are what I like the best - this one works very nicely. Once more just goes to prove, I may not know what I like until I see it. Teddy in the corner is a nice touch.
        Photo By: Klaus Kraiger  (K:-3932) Donor

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
8/8/2011 3:12:27 AM

Very nice- love the richness, the elegence of the old. The spaces are often so large it is really hard to capture the true grandeur - for me at least anyway. If you would happenn to have this also in color I would be interested in seeing, or mabe in color with the saturation greatly muted to leave just a hint of tint. Either way - thanks for sharing.
        Photo By: Rick Smith  (K:5490) Donor

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
8/6/2011 2:13:43 PM

Different than most of your others in that it is a 3/4 shot as opposed to a close-up side or full frontal portrait. Technically it seems very nice - but yet persoanally I like your others as they give much better details and a feeling of familarity. On the otherhand what I think is the opposite of what others do and variety is always nice. Thanks for letting me look.
        Photo By: Klaus Kraiger  (K:-3932) Donor

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
8/5/2011 6:34:17 PM

Very nice leading lines, good highlights on seats and fenders - very nice contrasted black and white photo. Something I always wonder about when I see photos such as this is if there ia a culture or national preference for the direction of the line angle. Would this photo appear completly different for example if it was flipped on the horizontal so the bikes would then line up bottom right to top left from the viewers point of view? I noticed that your name is also located left which also seems to vary. Just curious - enjoy the day.
        Photo By: Budi Herawan  (K:644)

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
8/5/2011 6:21:13 PM

Like the eyes, hair highlights, colors and framing. This is a very nice candid, outside photo with natural light. If - I was to get very picky; the background may be somewhat busy and subject may be a little too bright. For example the hair on top of the hair appears so light as to be washed out - almost white. I would maybe try to clone the background out towards both sides just to see which I like better. On the otherhand if you like as is then then me too as phtography can be very subjective. Enjoy the day.
        Photo By: Nanda Baba das  (K:78053)

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/28/2011 4:34:03 AM

Great tones, colors & focus. Love the eyes. If I had the right to say if anything bothers me a little -it is the white mark in the background at the top of her head. However considering that I can't take anything near as nice, let's just say I can be kinda of mouthy and leave it at that.
        Photo By: Maria Michalina  (K:890)

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/28/2011 4:24:40 AM

Excellent, contrast, tone, and focus. Nice highlight on the hair. Well done, thanks for sharing.
        Photo By: Linda Twohig  (K:2298)

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/27/2011 2:12:34 PM

Thanks for the look & comment. Still looking for my style, but "simple" seems one that I can handle better then some.
        Photo By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/27/2011 2:08:38 PM

Thanks for looking - enjoy the day.
        Photo By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/26/2011 1:49:09 PM

Thanks for the "very impressive". Always nice to get a comment from one that is as good as you are with black and whites. Many of your pictures seem to do such a great job of capturing the aura of the people. Will be watching to see what your are to next - thanks for letting us snoop.
        Photo By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/26/2011 1:43:27 PM

Thanks for feedback - I looked at your collection. Love your style and technique. Kinda of a abstract / art deco maybe? Whatever it is called I like. At this point I'm pretty much floundering as to what area or fashion I would like to focus but, what you do is very nice indeed. Thanks for sharing.
        Photo By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/26/2011 1:36:04 PM

Thanks for the comment. I have looked over your collection and I am mightly impressed - for sure you have a certian flair and style. Always nice to hear from one that knows of what they speak. Enjoy the day.
        Photo By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/25/2011 5:21:44 AM

You got yourself a nice looking lizard there. Okay - I'm not a big fan of lizards but they are very photogenic, and you have excellent focus, a nice setting, and a non-destracting background. By my rather uninformed, subjective way of thinking this is a very well done photograph.
        Photo By: Sudeera Karunathilaka  (K:4233)

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/21/2011 4:47:38 PM

Wonderfully strange. Please take this is the best way. What I mean is technically it seems to be very well done; but yet it also has a aura about it that makes me want to not just look at, but to linger and be a lttle curious as to what is going on behind those big eyes. Thanks for sharing.
        Photo By: Ile Gega  (K:644)

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/21/2011 4:36:58 PM

Love the tree - great contrasts throughout. Myself - I am not so sure what the subject is. Understand that I am looking at from what I can gather from what I see - if you are happy with what you captured, I would not for a moment try to say that it not very good. Thanks for sharing and enjoy the day.
        Photo By: Claudio Simonini  (K:-1628)

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/21/2011 4:30:13 PM

Tack sharp focus, beautiful fur shading - happy pup and great photo. If I had any idea of what I write I would suggest a little work on the eyes if you do any editing; the top part contains some blue in them. Maybe reflection of the sky, maybe catarats or one of the eye lids. Maybe also clone out the green beneath the chin to give better defination. As I don't know of what I spew - I would suggest that if you like it - then leave it alone. Thanks for sharing.
        Photo By: Linda Twohig  (K:2298)

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/21/2011 4:32:51 AM

An excellent reminder that of some of the real beauty in the world lies in the most common places - thanks for taking note and sharing.
        Photo By: Maryam Berenji  (K:122)

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/21/2011 4:30:30 AM

Very creative - like your choices and method of style. One get the sense of depth. If you care to share what program / filters you used for this effect I'm not above trying to copy others. Either way thanks for sharing.
        Photo By: Michael Charles  (K:4348)

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/20/2011 5:35:41 AM

Nice white teeth, bright clear eyes, soft sheen on the fur color and clean ears makes for one very nice looking dog a pretty darn good picture. That lens seems to work very fine for such photos. Thanks for sharing. Please see to it the pooch is spoiled all of the days of his life - one will get so much more then you can ever give.
        Photo By: Linda Twohig  (K:2298)

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/19/2011 6:49:05 PM

I've always liked this effect. The lines and boldeness of the contrast gets ones attention. Understanding that most likely you did not pose the people, I never the less would considrering cloning the people on the top tier out of the image - their posture may be a distraction to some. Having said that I would also say that if you like it as is - then by all means leave it alone as photography is mostly subjective. Enjoy the day.
        Photo By: Ile Gega  (K:644)

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/19/2011 6:41:07 PM

Yes, you may well be correct. This was taken at a zoo where the lizard was contained in a rather small area with a cement wall for a background. I do thank you for the feedback.
        Photo By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/17/2011 11:04:47 PM

Ahhh - the open, unguarded joy of youth. Great model. If you have an editing program you may wish to get rid of some of the eye reflection - you may not also. The only rule I know of is to do what works for you & the eyes can be tricky.Thanks for sharing.
        Photo By: Hussam AL_ Khoder  (K:79545)

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/17/2011 10:52:51 PM

Nice work with framing the picture - the shapes and contrast shows the pastel colors well. Enjoy the day.
        Photo By: Salvador Marķa Lozada  (K:69375) Donor

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/17/2011 3:06:12 AM

The poor old coneflower looks as if it is taking a beating from the summer heat. Like the out of focus background and good focus on the visitor. You may want to think about a closer shoot or a tighter crop on the final image - you may not if your are happy. I understand there are a number of general rules but am fully aware that photography may well be closer to art then a format that is defined by set rules. Thanks for sharing.
        Photo By: Anna Dill  (K:3872)

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/12/2011 6:42:16 PM

I do not have, nor have I ever used an extension tube. I have, am debating ordering at least one. From my reading I understand they can be rather useful and are also a resonable price. I know that some also use them for micro work. The only diadvantages I recall is I believe you will lose between one-half to one whole f/stop which very often is not a big deal, and may increase shake. Thanks for your response.
        Photo By: Linda Twohig  (K:2298)

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/12/2011 4:48:59 PM

Great model, nice framing of subject. Looks like a rather pensive look - if a child can have one, very endearing. The one thing that caught my attention {my very personal, uninformed opinion} is some of the background is washed out - too much bright white. I can tell you for sure that many others will love it as is. To me bright sun, cloudless skies are one of my worse of numerous problems. Thanks for sharing.
        Photo By: Alma von Planta  (K:463)

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/12/2011 4:41:37 PM

Nice leading lines, tack sharp on the focus, good framing, and great range blacks to whites. Very nice.
        Photo By: Jim Gardner  (K:344)

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/12/2011 4:17:59 AM

Poignant - would be the best word I can think of. Can't really say to the good or bad, but it make one - okay me feel maybe sad & and glad. Sad for what is no more, but glad for what might be. For me you have done what fine photgraphy is supposed to do - makes one feel, not just see. Thanks for sharing.
        Photo By: Radovan Magdalenic  (K:32881)

Critique By: Richard Lyons  (K:1172) Donor  
7/12/2011 4:09:35 AM

Very nice style and technique - I would be interested in what you used to get this effect. Guessing maybe a Photoshop filter, or combination of. As to the subject; having grown up on a farm and with memories of the sights and smells of old barns - I still get a little melancholy when I recall the past. Few have any understanding how central they were to the history of families and the country, in fact to many lands. Thanks for sharing.
        Photo By: Allen  .  (K:-667)

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