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Critiques From Timothy R

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Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
10/14/2009 3:28:38 AM

What a stark image. It really has a lot of impact. Well done!
        Photo By: Joćo F * Photography  (K:41945) Donor

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
10/14/2009 3:25:46 AM

Nice simple photo with great framing! Well done!
        Photo By: Kausik Mukherjee  (K:-65) Donor

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
10/14/2009 3:24:50 AM

I love long exposure shots of water falls. I have one I took myself and it was so amazing when I saw the result. This very cool and I love it in Black and White. Color would not have had anywhere near the effect. Nice shot, enjoy!
        Photo By: Mark Mellen  (K:1970)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
12/3/2008 10:39:54 PM

Hi there. Well, my focus was on the workings of the wheel, not so much the wheel it self. I did take a photo of the entire wheel and this working area, but didn't like that as well as the detailed shot. I like to put the camera in places where most people would not put their face.. a new perspective. You can see this from other photos in my portfolio. Thanks for your compliment and comments. I use a DSC-W150, which replaced my DSC-P30.
        Photo By: Timothy R  (K:3028)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
11/19/2008 5:36:34 AM

Amazing detail. I saw the moon like this, I was in northern Wisconsin at a Boy Scout camp and someone was there with telescope and built a moon light filter. It was like this, where I felt like I could just reach out and touch it.

Well done!
        Photo By: Nalin Hettiarachchi  (K:804)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
10/27/2008 3:17:45 AM

Wow, well when I first saw the title, I thought Luxor as in some place in Vegas (Cheap!), but then I saw it in detail and then your location. Abdelrahman, this is beautiful. Great detail and a perfect exposure. I really want to see this in person one day along with the Pyramids. I'm sure my inlaws would be happy to be my tour guides.

        Photo By: Abdelrahman Elwassimy  (K:3707)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
10/27/2008 3:10:15 AM

Very nice. A nice simple picture with plenty of rich color!
        Photo By: Stan  Hill  (K:35352) Donor

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
6/23/2008 5:44:10 AM

Nice Night time shot. شكرا
        Photo By: Ibrahim Al Hosni  (K:165)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
5/19/2008 11:41:26 PM

It's a Morel mushroom. They are hard to find, grow in the wild only under certain conditions that really can't be pre-determined. They sell for about $65-70 per lbs. Breaded with a little flour and fried in olive oil they are very very tasty!
        Photo By: Timothy R  (K:3028)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
1/8/2008 6:07:43 PM

I pulled this photo into Photoshop and coverted it to grayscale. Actually, very much an Ansel Adams shot. Well done as you have it. I enjoy the framing and compostion. The clouds were a fortunate addition and really do bring out the mountain range. Bravo!
        Photo By: Gaetan Dery  (K:718) Donor

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
12/13/2007 11:08:11 PM

That is correct. They are not native to Wisconsin, but a friend has a tree in their back yard and one of these darn near fell on me off the tree.
        Photo By: Timothy R  (K:3028)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
1/18/2007 5:55:38 PM

That is amazing! You can see the pollen on the body. Very impressive. Top marks!
        Photo By: fahad alfahad  (K:483)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
8/28/2006 11:26:55 PM

That could well be correct. Thank you.
        Photo By: Timothy R  (K:3028)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
6/13/2006 5:43:15 AM

I'm afraid I don't see the noise that you are seeing. Can you show me where?

        Photo By: Timothy R  (K:3028)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
5/31/2006 1:24:00 AM

I feel this applies to all of them, including what I fear is the pending invasion of Iran. War waged on false pretense is a dishonor to all who die in it. They were willing to give their lives to keep us free, we ought never let them die for folly.
        Photo By: Timothy R  (K:3028)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
4/3/2006 4:39:38 AM

Wow! That is awsome! Don't change a thing. I am very impressed how even given how dark it was to get the shot of the capitol, you still see details such as the people on the steps. I like the red streak showing it was a long exposure. Very well done!
        Photo By: Rob Graziano  (K:6678) Donor

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
3/24/2006 5:27:36 AM

You may believe that there was a Jesus and that he was a saviour. You may also belive that this war was worth while, but respectfully I disagree with you on all the above points. As we enter this the fourth year of the war in Iraq we know that there were no WMD's, no attempts to build nuclear bombs, never a connection to 9/11 and while there were civil rights abuses, our government, the one that is supposed to be made of you and me, continues to impose those abuses upon prisoners of this war.

So, I am one of those who do not await for some future visit for a Christ who will make a change, I am working to make change now.

Your emotions were perhaps stirred, and I am happy to have done that for you. But look deep inside yourself and see if perhaps Jesus would have been unhappy with someone who used lies and untruths and mis-information to lead thousands of people to their deaths. I leave that judgement to the one who judges. I cannot do that. I can only attest that what I see, we should not have attacked, and our actions have caused more problems than solved.

I love my country, I am an American, and thus I can protest. Don't tell me to leave. That's not the American way. This country was founded on the right of the people to peacefully assemble for a redress of grevances. That means protest.

Yes, Men and Women of Honor and Courage. Who gave all. And followed orders. Their legacy, their willingness to follow those order means we ought never send any person into a way we are not sure we need to fight.
        Photo By: Timothy R  (K:3028)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
3/10/2006 4:58:08 AM


You had mentioned on a comment you left on one of my photos about finding unusual things around Milwaukee. You and I found just about the same idea in two different areas.

Is a church in Mequon.

I shot it by setting the camera on the floor in what I thought - correctly - was the middle of the building and bracketed several shots.

You have a great eye for unusual things. I like that!
        Photo By: David Morris  (K:1404)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
1/18/2006 5:31:40 PM

They are very fun to do. I did this once and the planning was actually the fun part for me. My photo is at

You did a great job of PS'ing this together.

        Photo By: JakeLM    (K:3365)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
1/7/2006 8:40:27 PM

Wow, that is just about the most beautiful thing I've seen in a photograph. Very nice. You saw something at the right time in the right place. Congrats on the award!
        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
12/30/2005 3:26:57 PM

Well done. Did you do any adjustments to make it look like this? It's not really a pattern in Nature kinda thing, but yet the colors are really the focal point.

I loved being in Dubai when I visited about 8 years ago. In fact, it was exactly 8 years ago. it has grown so much with lots of contstruction.
        Photo By: Tom Horton  (K:1605)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
12/30/2005 3:23:59 PM

Very nice use of low contrast. Well done.
        Photo By: mystic ivanov  (K:51)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
12/30/2005 3:22:04 PM

OK. First off, the project is "Patterns in Nature." I don't see nature. True there is a patch of blue sky, but thats not really a pattern, so, why is this in this project?

Second. Focal point of this photo, the hole in the board, (I'm guessing this was the point of the photo.) is out of focus. Get that in focus and this photo might work better.

Sorry, just not my thing and I think it's in the wrong place.
        Photo By: Billy Houck  (K:2725)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
12/30/2005 3:16:41 PM

Two things:

1: I don't buy in the photoshop work in the sky. It does not look real to me.

2: The project is named "Patterns in Nature." This is archecture. Perhaps some nature as in there is water and a sky, but the neither are very interesting. Clouds.. Seen them, nothing interesing about them and they are suspect. River: Well, yeah, water, some reflection.. but of a cement bridge not nature. And, not a good reflection.

Sorry, just does nothing for me and seems to not belong in this project.
        Photo By: patrizio napolitano  (K:13119) Donor

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
12/18/2005 2:21:47 PM

I've never seen the Great Wall from this angle. Usually just the side. Very nice composition. Makes it all very interesting.
        Photo By: David McClenaghan  (K:9481)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
12/18/2005 2:14:12 PM

I think I see what you were going for. It might be helpful to turn off the date feature on your camera. You might move in closer to one of them and find something interesting there. Just some thoughts
        Photo By: ahmet ozturk  (K:151)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
9/26/2005 5:31:19 PM

I've lived in Milwaukee almost all my life. I carry my camera everywhere I go, so when I see something I can shoot it. I rarely set out to see something and take photos of it. I just happen upon them. This item for example in on a nature preserve I happen to be on and spotted the silo. I went it and well, there was this photo just waiting to happen. Look around, You'll see many things to photograph. Milwaukee is a real photogenic town.
        Photo By: Timothy R  (K:3028)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
3/26/2005 3:07:50 PM

Anne, I wish I understood your point or what you are trying to say.
        Photo By: Timothy R  (K:3028)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
3/26/2005 3:02:03 PM

Yes, that is correct. These were carried to the steps of the Federal Courthouse a few blocks away in a procession and then back again.
        Photo By: Timothy R  (K:3028)

Critique By: Timothy R  (K:3028)  
3/23/2005 2:22:58 PM

I have now posted this casket display from that viewpoint. Yes it would have been nice to not have him there, but, well, he was part of the protest.
        Photo By: Timothy R  (K:3028)

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