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Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
11/28/2007 12:55:32 PM

Very good use of negative space, and very appropriate postprocessing to emphasise the wintery feel. Good image!


        Photo By: Momento Eterno (Carmen Spitznagel)  (K:1177)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
11/28/2007 12:52:30 PM

Hi Roby,

I do like it! Nice to be back, eventhough it might be short, and thanks for your occasional emails and support.

Hope you are fine!


        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
11/28/2007 12:46:02 PM

Hi Matteo,

A slight tilt, but a nice effect with the reflection in the water. Nice image


        Photo By: matteo vanello  (K:4045)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
11/28/2007 12:44:09 PM

hi Anton,

Strong pose, and a dynamic lighting set up; pretty professional.

The eyes, although pretty piercing and effective in drawing the viewer's attention are perhaps a bit too dark and heavy on the make-up for my taste, but that's subjective.


        Photo By: TOTO F  (K:1593)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
11/28/2007 12:40:31 PM

Hi Abtin,

yes, it's Iran; Esfahan's Emam Khomeiny Mosque.

Thanks for your comment,


        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
11/28/2007 12:21:14 PM

Ha Jeroen,

Mooi warm plaatje. Vraag me alleen af, waaom je de geposteriseerde highlights links onder niet even geretoucheerd hebt...

Alles goed, hoop ik?


        Photo By: Jeroen Wenting  (K:25317) Donor

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
11/28/2007 12:08:37 PM

Hi Paolo,

I like the drama in this low key image. Pretty darn powerful!


        Photo By: Paolo De Maio  (K:34932)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
11/28/2007 12:06:45 PM

Hey John,

Very dramatic photo; the single sided lighting is spectacular, and I like how the star trails emphasise the geological lines. Great shot!

I can only be jealous of the M8... How do you like it?


        Photo By: John Bohner  (K:8368) Donor

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
11/28/2007 11:58:02 AM

Hi MS,

Trust all is well? Think the taste was stronger than the camera shake... :)


        Photo By: Mary Sue Hayward  (K:17558) Donor

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
11/28/2007 11:56:20 AM

Hey Chels!

Love the intricate patterns and textures. Cool and - literally refreshing!

Trust you are fine?


        Photo By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
11/28/2007 11:49:10 AM

Hey Petros!

Good to see you shooting and posting (again) too! It's been a while....

Expressive image, I dig the shallow DOF drawing the viewer in to the righthand side of the photo. tender moment, and nice - appropriate - toning.

Trust you are fine?


        Photo By: Petros Stamatakos  (K:12101)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
11/15/2007 10:44:48 PM

Hey AJ,

This wasn't exactly a nice night out; it was raining, and rather cold for the time of year. Not many people around, and the few that were there are probably way too blurred due to the 45s exposure. Besides, the Centre was already closing; Hardly anybody inside, either, except some security guards.

Still, the absence of people also creates the unusual aspect in this image, and the relative calm does sort of create a contrast with the busily lit building, don't you think?



        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
6/21/2007 10:37:42 PM

Hey Patrick!

nice of you to show your face around here again (Says who? I haven't been on UF in almost 3 months myself)

I do like the emptiness in this shot, but looking at the halos in the sky, it seems a bit over processed; The HDR works well in recreating the details and brightness in the (presumably) shadowy alley. Nice comp, too, with the path leading away from the difficult areas, too. You do have a bit of fringing around the right side of the image too; or so it seems.

It's the tree, and the tonal range in the wall on the right and the lower parts of the houses on the left that attract my attention; nice, too with the patch of light on the yellow house in the distance, drawing the viewers' eye into the image.


        Photo By: Patrick Jacobson  (K:29151)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
6/2/2007 10:04:35 PM

        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
3/26/2007 7:00:39 AM

Allright, then! Send me an email, and I'll tell you what I have in mind... The addy is in my bio.


        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
3/25/2007 11:02:35 PM

By the way, I think it's great to see a donor star next to your name....:)


        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
3/25/2007 11:00:21 PM

Hi Aline,

Thanks for your comment, the way you phrased it is very elaborate and very well thought through; and I appreciate that! It's thanks to Teun I got this chance....:)


        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
3/25/2007 10:55:56 PM

Hi Joggie,

That's what I like about tungsten film. Those cranes are huge - with my D2x and a 12-24 mm, it was a struggle to get the closest crane entirely into my viewfinder. I think I have a few images with a closer perspective, rendering it more abstract.

I think the future only holds digital photography for payed jobs, but the thought that goes into an analogue photo, where each shot can be directly expressed in money (i'm still utterly Dutch in some respect) remains to be a great excersise, as I tend to pay more attention to composition, as well as the technicalities such as exposure, aperture, shutterspeed, and such. Having to use a separate light meter also helps in refreshing the understanding in the various aspects. Hope you see what I mean.

By the way, did you receive the email I sent you today? I read your message you wanted to contact me about AE; my email addy is in my bio...


        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
3/25/2007 10:48:41 PM

Hi Paul,

I think the repetition also keeps the composition rather simple, with the diagonal and the horizon as single items. IMO, that's the strongest point in this photo, and in that respect the carts with the containers are almost a distraction. Would you agree?


        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
3/25/2007 10:46:59 PM

Hi Dirk,



        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
3/25/2007 10:46:36 PM

Hey AJ,

I see what you mean, and I'll see what I can do for you with the third installment in this series. Didn't want to push it too much. A complicating factor is, that we were accompanied by a security agent, driving us around, and we were bound to follow his lead - and his lead was to drop us off and get some dinner....:)


        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
3/25/2007 10:44:15 PM

Hi Phil,

Thanks, mate! Nice to hear from you through Usefilm again!


        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
3/25/2007 10:38:43 PM

Hi Martin,

A superb image, the details in the background are so incredibly detailed and distinguishable, creating so much of the feel and atmosphere in this photo, that the kid - which is supposed to be the primary subject, I presume, is almost redundant to the image to a point where I think the image would be stronger without the boy. I really like the low POV and the frosted twigs. Very good shot.


        Photo By: M R  (K:61) Donor

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
3/25/2007 10:15:30 PM

Hi Patrick,

I've been looking at this photo for quite some time; it's very appealing for sure. Yet, I do think a more contrast might increase the impact of this shot.

Due to the small stream and it's read tone, this rather unusual composition is very effective. The clover in the lower right corner starts the guiding line, using the curve of the stream towards the top of the hill, into the sky, where the eye is to be blocked by the darker patch of clouds. Top notch composition.

Very good shot,


        Photo By: Patrick Crowther  (K:13393) Donor

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
3/25/2007 10:02:07 PM

Hi Yazeed,

Thanks for your comments, nice to hear from you.


        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
3/25/2007 9:50:10 PM

ooooooh! Bring it on! My wife will be more than happy if I free up some space in our fridge...;) All we need to do is to determine the boundaries of the challenge, or shall we make it a free fight? If so, I have a few ideas....:)

I'd never dare to insult a bronnie; I still cherish my ol' Yashica with care, an occasionally treat with a fresh battery for its cure lightmeter, and a bit of soft cloth to wipe off the dust... You should hear it's self exposure device purr with pleasure when I take it out of its pouch....:) Those cameras should be treated with respect and care....

Incidentally, I have the pleasure of shooting a few rolls with a 197x Zorki K4 which I borrowed from another UF member, John Melskens. Only a few more snaps before I can drop off the roll of film at the lab.

The competition with the hassy, my newest love is a tough one to win, though...


        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
3/25/2007 9:41:18 PM

Hi Ace,

Very nice landscape; the endless view to the horizon provides a good feel of the vastness of the country; Nicely presented, too.... The only thing that I'm not so sure about is the horizon placed over the center of the image. I think with a little less sky, the composition migbht be a tad stronger....


        Photo By: Ace Star  (K:21040)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
3/25/2007 9:37:16 PM

Hi Sarel,

The warmth in the tones, and the smooth gradient of both the sky is awesome - the distance queue adding to the depth of the phtoo. Very wel lcaptured. A bit of noise in the darker areas, you might want to take care of, though.


        Photo By: sarel van staden  (K:287)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
3/25/2007 9:34:59 PM

Hey Ace,

Good to hear from you! I've been busy, but doing just fine....:) How're you? Hope everything is OK, too!


        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
3/25/2007 9:04:38 PM

Hi AJ,

Very interesting optical illusion, with the head-on angle, it's impossible to tell whether the out of focus screws are in front or away;

The strange thing is, that the imperfections in spacing, and mismatch in thread distance give a strong impression it's a high key image, and a single exposure. yet the almost equal distance between each revolution (the pinch?) make it look as a photoshop induced image, composed of at least two different shots.

In other words, if this was captured in a single shot, the out of focus screws should have a different dimension - as the pinch of the screws is equal, and the diameter seems equal, the out of focus screas should have either a smaller diameter if they're placed closer to the lens, or a wider diameter, if they're placed behind the black screws. But that distance would also be visible, due to the perspective, in the pinch of the threads, which doesn't seem to be the case here....

Rather difficult to explain, but I hope you see what I mean. I get a strong impression they're photoshop. Even IF i'm right, that doesn't affect my appreciation of this photo. Excellent idea, and well carried out.... Mostg of all, it makes me think, and that's a quality I always value in an image....;)


        Photo By: AJ Miller  (K:49168) Donor

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