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Critiques From David Grundy

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Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
6/21/2004 12:23:38 PM

Hi Frank,

Nice picture but spoiled by the slight amount of camera shake which has made the image look fuzzy. The double image really does not go with this type of shot, distracting in the extreme, if you must have a border make it black and 2 or 3 pixels wide to contrast with the light background on these pages.

Otherwise well done, some of these zoo shots can be quite interesting and this this is one of those.
        Photo By: Frank Olesen  (K:166)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
5/25/2004 7:36:52 AM

Hi Danny,

It's great to see a picture from the North East of England at last. A superb shot Danny, weel executed and the birds just make it even greater. Well done!!.
        Photo By: Danny Brannigan  (K:19523)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
4/26/2004 12:05:16 PM

The image would have helped
        Photo By: Rusty Key  (K:77)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
4/26/2004 12:03:06 PM

Hi Rusty,

Great shot but could do with some adjustments in Photoshop. I have taken the liberty (forgive me) of tweaking the levels and adjusting the perspective which has had the effect of making it the vertical Tower of Cozumel. Well done and keep up the good work!
        Photo By: Rusty Key  (K:77)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
4/20/2004 12:07:49 PM

Hi Chris,

This is a real nice shot, the position of the clouds really complement the tree and the colours are good too.

I like what you have done with the framing, and just might try this myself one of these days. Well done!.
        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
4/16/2004 11:58:21 AM

Hi Bambang,

I like this very striking picture, the composition with the placing of the hut, the people and vast expanse of sandy beach with a hint of cloud in the far horizon. It makes me start to think of summer vacations. Well done.
        Photo By: Indra Yoto  (K:377)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
4/16/2004 6:15:36 AM

Hi Ron,

It's a few months since we have been here and the beech arches seem to be getting quite mature now, probably this summer they will start to get over the top of the supports.

I like the picture, well composed and just what you say, a seat in sight without anyone on it.

For your next one download in the maximum size allowed here, it will view better.

Well done!
        Photo By: Ron Simkin  (K:0)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
4/8/2004 5:01:03 AM

Hi Fred,

terrific macro shot, but isn't this illegal, photographing banknotes?
        Photo By: Fred St. John  (K:25)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
4/8/2004 4:49:42 AM

Hi Brian,

It's not just about the sky, although that's the bit that makes you say WOW when you see it, it's also about the landscape which has an equal sized WOW.

You have captured a great view with a really good perspective on that view, this is a very nice landscape shot with just the colours you expect to see.

You must be very proud of the picture, well done!!
        Photo By: Brian McGrath  (K:245)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
3/25/2004 5:16:20 AM

Hi Howard M. Parsons,

What a fantastic shot, one which you can be proud of shooting. I think you have got everything there the colours, the composition, the perfume - yes, the perfume, the exposure, the focus and not least the background which really sets this shot apart.

Well done!!
        Photo By: Howard M. Parsons  (K:3496) Donor

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
3/25/2004 5:01:52 AM

Hi Snehendu,

What a fabulous 'moment in time', you happened to be there just at the right time and what a shot, well done!!
        Photo By: Snehendu Kar  (K:2427)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
3/25/2004 4:55:53 AM

Hi Alan,

What a fantastic shot, you have captured the detail so well I can almost smell the pungent aroma of the pollen. I think I would have liked to see better depth of field to give more focussed detail in the petals. Nevertheless, well done!!
        Photo By: Alan Orr  (K:9671)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
3/13/2004 11:48:05 PM

Hi Paul,

This is a real nice shot, I like the clouds which seem to emulate rays of light coming from the lighthouse and all the colours are superb. However, for me the top half of the shot (above the horizon) is much more interesting than the whole and I think a crop would make this into a totally different picture.

Good luck with your studies and future ventures.

Best regards, DGr.
        Photo By: Paul Franke  (K:26)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
3/13/2004 11:32:03 PM

Hi Peter,

This is a really nice shot of a snowdrop, but didn't you see the intrusive leaf in the viewfinder, this really detracts from the total viewability of the shot. The focus and lighting are good in this shot and I really like the flower shots in your portfolio. Well done!!

Best regards, DGr.
        Photo By: Peter Kornakov  (K:56)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
12/25/2003 12:45:35 AM

Hi Marie,

Another great picture. I like the way you have captured the whole mood of the coming storm, especially the heavy rain in the distance, probably not many minutes until you got wet through yourself.

The sky is obviously the focal point of this shot, but I do find the patch of blue (top right centre) a little bit distracting.

Well done!!
        Photo By: Marie Billing  (K:1620)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
12/20/2003 9:44:19 AM

Yes, I think that change has helped a great deal...
        Photo By: kita mcintosh  (K:18594)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
12/20/2003 9:33:21 AM

Hi Pedro,

I can see why this shot is one of your most favorite moments of 2003, the day looks one of those perfect sunny summer days that do live in the memory.

The shot is great, with composition just about perfect, the three sets of diagonals - the oars, the flat stern of the boats and the reflections of these all make an absolutely excellent picture.

Well done indeed...
        Photo By: Pedro Libório  (K:36301)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
12/20/2003 9:28:20 AM

Hi Kita,

I like this picture lots,the way you have picked up the sheep going line astern over the hill is great, was it one of those moments in time or did you wait for this to happen?, in the freezing cold weather too.

The framing is good, but, the top and sides are different widths and I believe that some work here to make them all the same width would improve the finish, as would taking the heaviness out of the image shadow on the background and moving it nearer to the background would also help.

The sky is wonderfully expressive and there are a lot of your viewers who would not have had the experience of seeing skies as these almost every day in the winter months. The snow is a little too pink, put some more white back in there. Otherwise very well done indeed...
        Photo By: kita mcintosh  (K:18594)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
12/16/2003 5:11:51 AM

Hi Piotr,

This is an interesting shot, because one can't see the top or the bottom of the radio tower it is only an educated guess as to how high it might be and how far away from the old reinforced concrete "tower".

Not a bad effort but perhaps a shot which gives the viewer some idea of what the concrete thing is might enhance the picture.
        Photo By: Piotr Bozejewicz  (K:298)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
12/16/2003 5:01:32 AM

Hi Serkan,

A great picture and what a contrast in terms of technology transfer through the years. I suppose that in future years there will be many opportunities for photographers to shoot these winmills the rate they being installed everyone will have one in sight of where they live.

Good shot and well composed, well done!!
        Photo By: Serkan Eris  (K:743)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
12/9/2003 4:56:58 AM

Hi Marcus,

I saw this sunrise on the morning that you took the picture and it has captured the awesome magic of the scene, the aircraft contrails add a little perspective to the overall shot.

The colours are superb and show how beautiful pictures like this can be. Well done!!!
        Photo By: Marcus Grundy  (K:266)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
11/27/2003 4:48:42 AM

Hi Marcus,

The composition of this one is good and I like very much the reflections of the wind turbines in the smooth water. Well done!
        Photo By: Marcus Grundy  (K:266)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
11/26/2003 5:10:52 AM

Hi Marcus,

I'm not so sure that I like this shot, but it does have technical merit in the depth of field and composition, perhaps a crop just above half-way height might improve the look of it.

Colours look good and I didn't realise that cats feet were quite so hairy.

Well done!!
        Photo By: Marcus Grundy  (K:266)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
11/26/2003 5:05:29 AM

Hi Marcus,

A great image here and I like the symmetry of the whole of the shot, very moody but portrays the moment. The colours are superb and the misty effect looks good.

A note of criticism is that the tall figure on the left side of the shot spoils a little of the balance of the image.

Well done!!
        Photo By: Marcus Grundy  (K:266)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
11/21/2003 5:21:28 AM

Hi Marcus,

I like this picture, it's really what a sunset is all about. I think the tree silhouettes complement the whole scene. Have you tried cropping off some of the black at the bottom of the shot, perhaps this would add further to its appeal. Well done...
        Photo By: Marcus Grundy  (K:266)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
11/21/2003 5:01:23 AM

Hi Brenda,

This is a real nice picture, and one which I wouldn't have minded taking myself. I think your composition is right and the sky really complements the whole. Well done.
        Photo By: Brenda Sellers  (K:322)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
10/3/2003 10:12:28 PM

Hi Ryan,

This is a really wierd picture, almost Dali like in its concept and very well executed.

Well done...
        Photo By: ryan winton  (K:3027)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
9/25/2003 4:49:30 AM

Hi Chris,

This is a great shot and is really the view you would get sitting on the seat, but without the seat in view one wouldn't be aware of that. The composition is just right and the perspective you have captured is spot-on.

120 views and only 10% of them have bothered to leave a comment is amazing.

Well done!!
        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
9/24/2003 4:51:16 AM

Hi Martin,

Apart from the wonderful colours in this shot I really like the composition and perspective taken with the view. All the vertical lines in the picture from the window frames, the window openings, the roof drains pipework make this a very appealing picture. Well done!!
        Photo By: Martin Paul  (K:140)

Critique By: David Grundy  (K:1571)  
9/23/2003 11:24:51 PM

Hi Paul,

There is a lot of work gone into making the after from the before and you are to be commended on the result, well done.

The bottom right corner could do with some more work in lightening up the shadows which weren't in the before picture, otherwise excellent work.
        Photo By: Paul N  (K:188)

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