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Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/30/2007 3:39:52 AM

Hi dear Mary,

Remember that there are no naive questions. Every question someone asks is excellent and brings a chance to learn and to understand.
I have no secrets, so one can ask me always everything (s)he wants. I will always try to explain what I did as good as possible (I know some English, but there is a limit if it becomes very technical)

My explanation was also a bit of a joke. By "my professional lightunit MaqLite", that I used here I mean that I simply used a strong handtorch made by the company MaqLite.

The colortemperature of any torch brings this yellow/gold light. The exact result depends on the combination of aperture and shuttertime you chose on the camera.
Also the after processing with photoshop influences the final colors.

What I did here with photoshop was: a bit more saturation, clear up the light and add some contrast.
These ingredients changed the white upper half of the white printpaper into blue.
I know it seems difficult when talking about it here, but in reality it is quite easy, once you are used of working with the effect a torchlight can bring in combination with photoshop.

I used it many times to create a warm atmosphere, so I can predict more or less what will happen under certain circumstances.
Hope the explanation helped a bit to understand what I did and please don't hesitate to ask about everything you would like to know, my dear friend.
I am glad to share it with you and every fellow photographer on UF or elsewhere.

I added a picture of my "professional" torch to give you an idea of how it looks like.

Should you ever be near Holland I will explain more stuff about photography to you and maybe we can also do some shooting together.

Warm greetz,
Albert Jacobs
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/29/2007 9:11:47 PM

Hi dear Aniko,

Sleep well...

        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/29/2007 9:08:09 PM

Hi dear Aniko,

There's nothing wrong in getting sentimental. It brings nice memories and at the same time makes you somehow aware that life is continuing.
There's a nice warm atmosphere in this image. The expressions of your sons show that the feel relaxt. It's a good respresentation of family happiness. Well done !

Warm greetz,
Albert Jacobs:) :)
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/29/2007 8:54:10 PM

Hi dear Aniko,

Great creative art you show us here. I can imagine that it was publised. The mysterious and seducing view in this excellent layout makes this portrait a masterpiece. It's one of my favourites. Superb work, compliments !
And, it's great that your back, even if it's briefly. May you return eacht time.

Warm greetz,
Albert Jacobs:)
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/29/2007 8:48:30 PM

Hi dear Aniko,

Wonderful portrait with great expression. I like the serenity in this view a lot. Your choice of colors and toning fit very well and contribute to make it a nice harmonic portrait with a great atmosphere. Well done, my friend.

Warm greetz,
Albert Jacobs :)
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/29/2007 8:41:14 PM

Hi dear Aniko,

Thank you. I have the idea that you feel better now and I sure hope your doing fine. With me and Jo everything is oke.

Since 15-07-2007 I have my own simple website which you'll find at:

To stimulate you to feel fine, I enclosed a shot called "into the heart". I believe it suits to your beautiful familyname. It's one of my favourite floralshot of last months.

I wish you and yours good health and happiness,
Albert Jacobs
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/29/2007 7:14:37 AM

Hi my dear Srna,

This view is very creative and pure ! I like this graphical approach with deep emotion a lot. You definitly have both, the eye and the heart.

With sadness, I read that you suffer physical pain. I know you're a fighter, who doesn't give up. I hope you are in a fair battle, one that you can win.

My thoughts are with you, my dear friend.

Sincerely, wish specially you and yours all the best.

Warm greetz,
Albert Jacobs :)
        Photo By: Srna Stankovic  (K:172232) Donor

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/28/2007 1:23:49 AM

Hi Aladin,

Perfect crop and shot of "thinking". Your POV is simply perfect !

Friendly greetz,
Albert Jacobs :)
        Photo By: Aladin Eid  (K:56)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/27/2007 9:42:06 PM

Hi dear Nicole,

Excellent impressive shot of a nice view from your beautiful city. I live in the south of Holland, so in 200 tille 250 km's we are at your place. Because of beautiful nature in Belgium Ardennes and specially in your country, you can imagine that we visit(ed) Belgium and Luxembourg many times, and we always enjoyed these trips (exception were those with longtime heavy rainfall).

Like the excellent reflection you show us. Your POV is also splendid, the combinated sensation of the reflection and the hight sensation brings a wonderful sensation to me as viewer. Teh old city of Luxembourg is wonderful, would like to visit it again or to live somewhere close to this city after being retired.

Warm greetz,
Albert Jacobs :)
        Photo By: Nicole Besch  (K:72664) Donor

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/27/2007 9:22:02 PM

He Jo,

You really challenge me !

Albert Jacobs :)
        Photo By: Jo Sparreboom  (K:145)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/27/2007 7:54:51 PM

Hi dear Mary,

I hope your doing fine. Thanks for your kind comment. It was an experiment to find "magic light" with my professional lightunit, the MacLite.

Because I already know the dandelion well I used it for atmosphere and I added a dead insect I found (kind of nightbutterfly).
I knew already that the wings of these beautiful creatures reflect the light in many ways, depending on angle and intensity.

So I tried to create a nice atmosphere in which it is not obvious that the insect is dead. I put it all carefully arranged on a piece of white printpaper and started shooting.

It's remarkable how colors change when you change the angle and/or intensity, either by torch or camera. I regard this shot of one of the best of this serie.

Warm greetz,
Albert Jacobs
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/27/2007 7:45:20 PM

Hi Mohamed,

Thnaks for your enthusiast reaction. It was a little experiment with dandelion and dead insect I found. The experiment was one about lightfall and colouring.

Friendly greetz,
Albert Jacobs
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/27/2007 7:42:49 PM

Hi dear Maurizio,

Thanks for your comment. In this shot I used my "talents" of handling my professional lightunit, the MacLite.

Friendly greetz,
Albert Jacobs
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/27/2007 7:40:10 PM

Hi dear Sara,

Thanks for your kind words. I took a short view on your shots published since beginning of June 2007 and was deeply impressed. So I'll return for a closer look, because I like your approach. You definitly have developd your own personal style.

Warm greetz,
Albert Jacobs
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/26/2007 9:16:23 PM

Hi dear Srna,

Thanks for you enthusiast comment, I appreciate it very much. Hope you're doning fine. I was gone during June, so I have to catch up with work, friends and usefilm.

Warm greetz,
Albert Jacobs
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/26/2007 9:14:17 PM

Hi Biljana,

Thanks for your kind words and I am glad you like it. It's also one of the 10 photos that I shot in 2006 that I like most, although there is still a lot to learn about photoshop. Excuse my late reaction but I was during June away, because I had my summer holiday. So I have have to catch up with work, friends and usefilm.

Friendly greetz,
Albert Jacobs
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/26/2007 8:15:56 PM


Superb macro with excellent detail and wonderful colors.
Composition is perfect. Good use of DOF and great POV.
Compliments, simply a pleasure to view this photo !

Friendly greetz,
Albert Jacobs
        Photo By: hamperium com  (K:786)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/20/2007 10:24:28 PM

Hi dear Marta,

I don't mind what you did. I like your approach of B&W. Great, Stella prefers some B&W prints. So I'll show her your approach when she is back from Nigeria. I am also busy translation her best portraits to B&W versions, as to find as a surprise when she arrives in Italy.

Warm greetz,
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/20/2007 10:19:58 PM

Hi Marta,

Stella lives in Italy, but wwas born in Nigeria. She is now back to Nigeria to visit her daughter of 8 years. I think she had I kind of hard life till 2 years ago. What you can not see in my photos is that she has some severe scarves of wounds caused by burning (?). One of her hands is much damaged by this. She also had simular scarves at the upper part of one of her breasts.
Because I treated her photos with photoshop and due to the crop I chose, you don't see it in the photos I published.

Stella liked the original shots. I think she never had this kind of photos, but only the usual unsharp portraits with disturbing background like we all have.

These shots, after working on them with PS she never saw. So they will be a nice presentwhen she finds them in Italy, after her return from Nigeria.

Friendly greetz,
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/20/2007 10:10:03 PM

Hi Gary,

Thanks for your kind comment. Very "natural" was one of my targets. I am glad you recognized it.

Friendly greetz,
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/20/2007 10:08:09 PM

Hi Mohamed,

The light on her face is from the Nikon SB80DX flash-unit. I corrected the standard computer values a little bit, to get the desired light.
Because I got this unit a few months ago, I stille have to learn a lot about all these possibilities by this computer-combination.

Friendly greetz,
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/20/2007 10:04:53 PM

Hi Yazeed,

Thanks for your encouraging comment.

Friendly greetz,
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/20/2007 10:03:49 PM

Hi dear Srna,

Thanks for your nice comment. Not a veteran but still a starter, to my opinion.

I now know better what I have to learn and what's there to improve, after 5 modelshoots.

But I enjoy being busy with portraits and trying to learn, each day. So I think in the end (1 or 2 years) I will succeed to shoot more interesting (street)portraits.

Warm greetz,
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/20/2007 9:57:33 PM

Hi dear Rachel,

Excuse for my late reaction and thanks for your lovely comment. During the month June 2007 I was in Italy because of holiday.

Warm greetz,
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/20/2007 9:56:48 PM

Hi dear Rachel,

Excuse for my late reaction and thanks for your lovely comment. During the month June 2007 I was in Italy because of holiday.

Warm greetz,
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/20/2007 8:43:46 PM

Hi dear Mary,

I am glad you like it and that it awakened these memories. Augusto the partner of Stella gave it to us form his beautiful garden, after he had seen some macroshots of me. I simply couldn't resist this beautiful flower and took a lot of photos of it. At this one I sprenkled some waterdrips on it to suggest a fresh morningshot.
As background I added a white table to bring a quiet peaceful shot.

Warm greetz,
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/20/2007 8:38:06 PM

Hi dear Shirley,

Thanks for your kind words. I like this one also.
When we left we gave a framed enlarged shot of this shot to Stella and Augusto. It was a flower from their garden, he brought me after he had seen some of my macro shots.
They gave us the day we left 5 liters of selfmade wine. It's nice when you can use different skills to please eachother. We had a wonderful time in Italy and keep in contact with these people. It's precious when you feel sympathy, connections and mutual interests, the key ingredients for friendship. Btw Stella learned us how to prepare flowers of which I never knew you could eat them. Those of the courgette (hmmm, taste like candies).

Warm greetz,
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/20/2007 8:29:20 PM

Hi dear Alicia,

thanks for your enthousiast words. In fact this is one of the 3 portraits of Stella that I regard as best shots of the serie of about 10 selected shots.

Warm greetz,
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/20/2007 8:26:36 PM

Hi Claudia,

Thanks for your kind reaction.

Friendly greetz,
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

Critique By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)  
7/20/2007 8:25:44 PM

Hi Shirley,

Thanks for your kind comment.

Friendly greetz,
        Photo By: Albert Jacobs  (K:9527)

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