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Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/21/2011 6:19:29 AM

Thank you dear Shirley. This is the last of the blooms of this rose bush from nearing the end of summer. The weather here has been and still is quite mad. But then, so I am, so it suits... :)
Much Love,
Aniko :)
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/21/2011 6:16:06 AM

Thank you dear Shirley.

It fits my heart right now also.

Much Love to you!
Aniko :)
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/21/2011 6:14:16 AM

Greetings my dear Srna!
I miss you.

The raw emotion of this image moves my soul.

Much Love and Huge Hugs to you sweet friend,
Aniko xo
        Photo By: Srna Stankovic  (K:172232) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/21/2011 6:09:32 AM

A soul inspiring portrait dear Nanda.
I like the way you have processed this image.
The eyes speak volumes.
Best regards,
Aniko :)
        Photo By: Nanda Baba das  (K:78053)

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/21/2011 6:05:16 AM

Ah, dear Shirley.
The thumbnail image was impressive, to say the least. Viewing it large, is like being there.
You are so talented my friend.
Much Love to you!
Aniko :)
        Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174049) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/21/2011 6:01:34 AM

Beautiful work Stan.

Warmest Regards,
Aniko :)
        Photo By: Stan Ciszek  (K:56854) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/21/2011 5:59:21 AM

Dear Michele!
I'm liking this image very much.
Best Wishes,
        Photo By: Michele Beccia  (K:16490)

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/21/2011 5:57:27 AM

They do play a mixture of punk indeed Michele, and I was only kidding about when I said "you can hear the music?" I wan't being nasty.
Many thanks,
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/20/2011 5:09:41 PM

Thank you Michele!
You can hear the music? ;)
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/20/2011 4:33:11 AM

Thank you Nanda.
Warm regards,
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/20/2011 4:31:12 AM

You're very kind.
Thank you Nanda.
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/19/2011 1:55:21 AM

Yes it is Bill...

I really wanted to approach the "Alone Project" in a unique way... I feel it will not be to the taste of many, but the notion came to me and I let it flow....

Thank you for taking the time to comment.

Warm regards my friend,
Aniko :)
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/19/2011 1:49:45 AM

Thank you Bill! :)

See, I still like flowers... lol... ;-)
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/19/2011 1:44:15 AM

"Delicate"? I'm not sure what you mean, Bill, but thank you very much! (I think.... lol...)
Best wishes,
Aniko :)
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/18/2011 7:07:51 AM

Thank you Shirley.
I am fond of kookaburras. They are large birds and there are so many in my area, it's a joy. :)
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/18/2011 7:04:45 AM

Thank you dear Shirley!
They are good people and I Love them... :)
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/17/2011 5:45:15 AM

Hi sweet Michele!

Thank you. It is not "my" quality, but the camera quality (which I don't really like... digital is still a thorn in my side; but this camera is one I "know" as I have borrowed it several times in the past). My own digital camera is still a maze to me, but I'm learning.... lol...

The actual image IS perfectly sharp - but on my screen appears a little soft - other than obvious motion blur. These dudes move FAST! :)I always hand hold, especially for live performances as I need to dodge about a lot and not be knocked (ouch!) in the "mosh pit" or anywhere near the stage while shooting the action. A tripod is not practical in such situations and I have little patience for tri or monopods anyway.

I am proud of all my "children". The CLINT FLICK banner you viewing left was co-created with my eldest son (not part of the band)and I am administrator for CLINT FLICK and basically it's my only real work these days and I enjoy it very much.

No, I haven't heard of Switchfoot and Third Day but I will see if they have anything on youtube.

Thanks very much for your kind words, Michele. If you chance by, you will be seeing much stage photography by me (including support bands to CLINT FLICK etc...)

Wonderful to be in touch again!
Warm Hugs,
Aniko :)~*~.•*¨`*•♥.•´*.¸.•´*•♥.•´
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/17/2011 5:27:48 AM

Hi Luis!

Yes, both of the visible performers are my sons (and I have "children" older than these as well).

These 2 sons formed the band CLINT FLICK back in 2005 and are becoming very popular. Their live shows are spectacular and they have 2 professionally recorded CDs with a 3rd in the works.

It does me good to be "working for" my "children" as I am no longer able to do much other work.

Good for you being chairman of an international photocontest! Why hard times?
I wish you all good things, Luis...

Thanks and Hugs,
Aniko :)
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/16/2011 10:48:31 PM

Dear Luis!

I can find no "fault" with this amazing image.
Magnificent work!

Warmest Regards,
Aniko :)
        Photo By: Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)  (K:21250)

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/16/2011 6:56:07 PM

Oh my dear Shirley!

I am sad to hear you're going through difficult times. My heart is open to you and I care for you deeply.

Chin up!

Much Love,
Aniko xox
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/16/2011 6:52:41 PM

Dear Michele!

Many thanks. Glad you like my little "friend"... lol...

Hugs! :) x
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/16/2011 6:50:44 PM

Thank you Anusuya!

Hopefully I will get a better shot soon of not only the kookaburra, but other native wildlife here.

Warm regards,
Aniko :)
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/16/2011 2:40:31 AM

Hello dear Riny!
So pleased to "see you"... :)

Yes, kookaburras and many of the native birds in the area of Australia where I reside are very beautiful.
I am very fond of birds (and most other wild "thing").

Warmest regards,
Aniko :)
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/16/2011 2:37:39 AM

You're too kind dear Radovan.
Not excellent, but not terrible perhaps.
Thank you so much for your generous comment.
Warm regards,
Aniko :)
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/16/2011 2:36:16 AM

"Johnny Laughing"... I have not heard that expression and thought Mama would have mentioned it to me. I am glad the kookaburras here are free and wild. I like them very much.
Thank you for your kind comments, dear Tibor!
Szia: Aniko :)
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/15/2011 6:00:55 PM

Great shot Tony!
Like the wide angle and the B&W "grittiness". Works very well for this subject.
All the best!
Aniko :)
        Photo By: Tony Smallman  (K:23858) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/15/2011 6:54:07 AM

Thank you Shirley!
I don't find him scary at all... just very ancient looking and his expression in this shot is one of awe and amazement... perhaps he is excited or a tad afraid of his "vision" or the "omen"... who knows? He seems to be concentrating very hard! Fanciful imaginings on my part... lol...
Hugs to you! :) x
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/15/2011 6:48:29 AM

Many thanks dear Shirley!
You have some remarkable work in your portfolio. It's really been way too long since I was a "regular" here (lol) and it's difficult to do everythingatonce... yes, that's how it feels, no breaths between the everythings. I'm dropping in a little each day now. I might yet upload a photo shot on my dig camera, which I am still not used to. (Hence this image was shot with a borrowed camera I "know" reasonably well.)
Hugs ~ Aniko :) xox
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/14/2011 4:01:16 PM

Thank you!
I'm doing OK for an old girl. :)
I'm still practicing with this whole digital thing. Ever so slow to work with digital cameras unless one is making still life images or similar. I still prefer film to be honest. ;-)
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

Critique By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor  
2/14/2011 3:57:28 PM

Thank you for your kind words Guy!
I'm sort of back... lol...
I hope to be around more often for sure.
Best wishes!
Aniko :)
        Photo By: Aniko Heart  (K:26503) Donor

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