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Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/15/2004 6:47:06 PM

OHHHH !!!!

Wonderful, and with great detail, and with perfect ligting. And one can never get a better composition than the circle of a mother's arms.

Great work Davis.
        Photo By: David Stevens  (K:803)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/15/2004 6:44:14 PM

While this IS a picture of is not ABOUT flowers... it about composition, and strong technical execution of photography.
Congratulations on not only a beautiful capture of flowere, but an exquisite arrangement, perfect color composition, and presentation. Well done, so very well done!
        Photo By: Alan Armanini  (K:5407)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/15/2004 6:14:31 PM

Again.. you have captured that special "magic" dust that somehow gets sprinkled on your subjects. YOu continue to amaze me with the light qualities. If you do ANY of this in the computer.. you must have a magic eye and touch there too.

        Photo By: Teunis Haveman  (K:37426)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/15/2004 6:09:39 PM

ONe of the beter reflection photos I have seen... even without the dragonfly. With it... exquisite.
        Photo By: Bob Tomerlin  (K:5460)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/15/2004 5:55:52 PM

Randy... when one speaks of "layers' in the photo world, I think of a composite photo. Just in case anyone thinks that in regard to this photo.....this photo is "as seen"... no layers, no photoshop, no "fixing".
The tiny frogs were indeed riding on leaves. Was magical. I had never seen it before. I almost fell in the pond trying to get a good shot. I did get wet, but only up to my knees.. oh and one elbow.

I am glad you liked it.
        Photo By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/15/2004 5:45:45 PM

SO often I TRY to capture birds... in their element... and I fail. Capturing them in their own worlds is a talent I completely admire. VERY well done.

After I read your comments.. I looked again. Grief is evident. NO one can EVER tell me other species do not feel grief as humans do. Look at the eye.
        Photo By: Rick Koth  (K:2971)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/14/2004 7:22:10 PM

Alisa.. I am happy to have conversed with you tonight on the usefilm chat.

I like the isolation in this capture... and as usual your buildings say more with their b&w condensation than they could ever say with color. There are many elements that build the strength of this capture.

Nice work.
        Photo By: Alisa Mudge  (K:7511) Donor

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/13/2004 8:40:39 PM

About as good as it gets.... WOW great horizontals in an otherwise verticle capture. The detail is delightful... and the light excites my eye ... is (almost) better thaqn sex. Very very very good!

I could live without the square in the background, but it does not seriously detract from the image. \ I truly LOVE the light.
        Photo By: David Dias  (K:1347)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/13/2004 2:12:31 PM

Very NICE!!!! for several reasons.... 1) Your eye SAW it 2) It is technically perfect 3) The socks are such a contrast to the earth tones surrounding them.... Wonderful capture.
        Photo By: Carmem A. Busko  (K:48785)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/13/2004 2:07:56 PM

If this is a test, then you get 100% of the answers RIGHT. I like the refracted light in the 'big' drop. Very nicely done.
        Photo By: Diamantino Almeida  (K:288)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/13/2004 2:00:36 PM

I absolutely LOVE the qualities of this photo. Some clear ice, some crusted ice, refusing to bend with the warmth of the sun., A GREAT capture.
        Photo By: luisa vassallo  (K:28230)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/13/2004 1:53:56 PM

Ahhh Teunis... I am convinced the sun sprinkles special light rays upon the earth in anticipation of a visit from you and your camera. Always there is a warmth, a quaility just a bit better, or just a tad softer...... an imcrement of magic that sets your captures apart form the norm.

I am in awe of your skill and want to know HOW you are able to make this happen on film.....because I can SEE this quality, but have NEVER been able to capture it on film.
        Photo By: Teunis Haveman  (K:37426)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/13/2004 1:45:24 PM

Beautiful. The colors of ease and gratification captured with simplicity and grace.
        Photo By: Tyler Russell  (K:1148)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/13/2004 1:41:33 PM

Do not be sorry for adding THIS artfully created and enjoyable capture. It is intriguing and delightful to the eye.
        Photo By: Fabio Keiner  (K:81109)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/10/2004 6:57:49 PM

This is great, just great. Who ever in the world can think we are not siblings?

Imagine the same expression on a human face...... could it possibly be more poignant? Project more emotion? Could the hands possibly express more emptyness?

Very well captured... and techinically perfect as well.
        Photo By: David Stevens  (K:803)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/8/2004 6:12:42 PM

How wonderful! How precise! Perfectly captured. Small diamonds suspended on the tiniest of structures... a delightful image presented SO well!
        Photo By: Rui Miranda  (K:2716)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/8/2004 5:27:15 PM

Lexie..... this is just too cool! Very nice technical presentation ,,,,, and the aesthetic presentation is just as sweet as it can be. A beautiful child, caught in the "pretend" world of playing dressup... so you have in efect... given us a glimpse of that nebulous world that only children can enter.
        Photo By: Lexie Summers  (K:2027)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/2/2004 10:12:08 PM

Very beautiful. I am interested in a description as to how you make your images so soft, so luminous and at the same time so sharp. I can see every hair! every eyelash!

I am amazed at your work. It is angelic as well as a technical marvel.

PLease share your technique.
        Photo By: Peter van Nugteren  (K:421)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/2/2004 10:06:15 PM

I like the color "replacement" ... amkes me think of the Wisteria that takes over the world, and the trees every Spring in my part of the country. A nice composition, and enjoyed.
        Photo By: David Stevens  (K:803)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/2/2004 3:16:21 PM

A great close-up, well composed, well executed, and perfect technically as well. I am impressed with this photo... and like it as well.

I can agree that the manicure is quite good for a laborer.....
but as to the the comments regarding skin color... there are many people from all over the world, of MANY colors, who work in sweat shops, who wait tables, wash clothes, scrub floors.........
        Photo By: Dan Lightner  (K:12684)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/2/2004 2:16:12 PM

Who would not pause to soak up the beauty of this spot? I think everyoine who would be lucky enough to stumble upon it.
But few would be able to translate that beauty and serenity into something easily understood by those who will never see it. I am struck by several elements of this photograph, beginning with the twin rooflines, decorated by the round detail of the wheel.... all reflected in the mill-pond so as to give us a double whammy. Then the structure that is the focus of the picture is balanced by the rustic fence in the right bottom corner... again with a balancing feature, the other fence across the pond. Then the overall view is enhanced with just the right touch of color... like a very subtle perfume caught on the wind.

Very well captured.
        Photo By: David Stevens  (K:803)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/2/2004 1:50:19 PM

An interesting effect... setting the camera for the shadow, and allowing the rest to make a "white-out" frame.... At first glance it seems to actually BE a frame. Then upon inspection, it becomes the too white snow in too much light ....evidenced by the smattering of snow shadows that dance out the bottom left and upper right of the photograph. The seed heads of what appears to be a form of the genus solidago are just bits of perfection added to give it a warmth and make us enjoy the image even more .... like a very nice cognac after a satisfying meal.

Well done.
        Photo By: In Transit  (K:29432)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/2/2004 1:28:48 PM

I love this. It is sharp, explicit in detail, with limited color, but still enough color to make one understand that it was once a brilliant machine, capable of great strength and accomplishments.

This is great!
        Photo By: David Stevens  (K:803)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/2/2004 1:23:38 PM

Compliments on the humor in the title...... You get great marks from me on everything but emotional appeal.... as I am female, and as nice as it is, this backside does little for me.

It is very good work. Nicely done.
        Photo By: David Stevens  (K:803)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
2/2/2004 1:14:48 PM

I rather like this composition. It has a number of geometric qualities that compliment abd stack up nicely against each other. I also approve of the sepia toning, as it enhances the feel of an antique subject and follows the lead of the earthen/rock construction. Just for me, one who rarely sees snow, I may have kept the coloration to a mere touch so as to protect the absolute whiteness of snow, maybe protected it somehow to maintain the brilliance.

I am enchanted by the rocks and the texture of the roofing, softened by the snow on the "weather" side of the structure.

Quite nice.
        Photo By: In Transit  (K:29432)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
1/20/2004 8:57:29 PM

The placement of the square over the "round" with the small halo of light is quite good work. Otherwise the roof line of the "square" would have been lost. A bit of fine tuning in photoshop allowed the roof line of the distant building to be visible, which repeated a round roof line to compliment the redundancy of the crosses. But it muddied up the starkness, the contrast, which is pleasing, so my efforts in PS were not at all worth while.

I am intrigued by the differences in color temperatures of the two, and am wondering what light and types of lighting was involved. The repetitive reflections on the crosses also arrouses some curiosity. While I do not expect a visible light source, I would expect there to be some backlight effects on the one in the front, since the light from behind is not only strong, but is also in the "daylight" kelvin range.

The sharpness of the exposure and the technical qualities of the photo is either an indication of very good eyes, or a very good auto-focus. Either way..... it is well seen, well executed and well done.
        Photo By: In Transit  (K:29432)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
1/19/2004 4:24:10 PM

When I was a child, I played in just such a place, behind the waterfall. It was completely private and a very magical place. You have captured that magic, and freshened that memory for me. Thank you.

As for the technical aspects of your photo... highest marks on everything. Well done.
        Photo By: David Stevens  (K:803)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
1/19/2004 4:05:14 PM

I've looked over your portfolio. Quite a variety of subject matter, as well as expertise, AND technique. Impressed me! As did this picture of fellows less fortunate. Well seen, well captured.
        Photo By: David Stevens  (K:803)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
1/19/2004 3:59:12 PM

Just too cool... and very funny! But I am curious as to how you accomplished this.
        Photo By: David Stevens  (K:803)

Critique By: karen barnett  (K:4237) Donor  
1/19/2004 3:57:19 PM

I like the sharpness... as it reminds me of the sharp qualities of autumn air. I also think the coloration of the rusted tin and the weathered boards are presented nicely. I have seen many well-used barns....they each have a character all their own and are a favorite subject for viewing. Well done!
        Photo By: David Stevens  (K:803)

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