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Critiques From Sue O'S

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Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
2/18/2009 12:22:39 AM

Lovely, lovely comp, Stan!

I heard somewhere that the Turner herd is one of the more pure Bison herds? That is doesn't have a mix (or much of a mix) of domestic cattle like most of the remaining bisons? Is that true? I think the subject came up because of the Brucellosis infections or something...

Anyway, love the image.
        Photo By: Stan  Hill  (K:35352) Donor

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
2/18/2009 12:16:11 AM

Hi Matt! We're LOVING the Rockies! Bought a couple of acres 25 miles or so from the Foothills (it was what we can afford) and we're just settling in. The whole homehunting, homebuying process was a bit time consuming and now I want to get back into Photography. I've got the subject matter, now I just need the drive to get out there and shoot.
Hope things are good for you. I didn't know you were in SoCal!
        Photo By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
11/16/2008 3:47:33 AM

I'm certain the firefighters wished that, too! All those poor trees!
        Photo By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/23/2008 2:03:54 PM

This is a wonderful capture, Stan. I love how you aligned the slopes of the two hills to align with the slopes of the barn's roof. The windmill forms a marvelous exclamation point as well. I adore the "brand label" on the windmill's tail. There's a little bit of a hotspot on the west side of the barn but these things happen.
I don't know much about b&w tones and can't comment on the exposure. It is a remarkable "catch" for that shutter speed, especially considering the f-stop. This was handheld? I really like the slight blur of the windmill blades as they were obviously rotating.
        Photo By: Stan  Hill  (K:35352) Donor

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/23/2008 1:50:44 PM

Hi Stan
Being from the Midwest until recently, we were not accustomed to the effects of smoke this thick because we didn't have smoke this thick. It was fascinating to see. Tragic, but fascinating.
        Photo By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/23/2008 1:47:31 PM

Hello Don Blasingame
I agree. Something about the blue sky in the background makes this even more horrific.
Thank you for commenting.
        Photo By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/23/2008 1:45:42 PM

Hi Aziz ABC
The lower part is blurry because we were in our truck, doing 25 mph, trying to keep out of the way of the firefighters who were kind enough to let us drive through to get to our destination. What you are seeing is motion blur.
Thanks for commenting.
        Photo By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/20/2008 4:15:52 PM

UnSharp Mask
        Photo By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/19/2008 4:16:47 PM

I had chosen this one for both the composition and its clarity. RAW image doesn't seem any more or any less soft, but I suppose it could be from the USM. Don't know.

thanks again for looking.
        Photo By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/19/2008 4:12:45 PM

Aw, I *like* photos of the faces of sunflowers. The spiral effect of the seeds is fascinating and makes me in awe of the power of nature.

However, I do like your example as a fine example of alternative viewing. When I shot this, I wasn't patient enough. I had come to get an image of the vast field of yellow (which I did get) but when I discovered the mud and my inadequate footwear, I stuck my lens into the face of the nearest flower, tripped the shutter, cleaned off my shoes and skedaddled. Gave up too soon.
        Photo By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/19/2008 3:47:08 PM

Oh, him! He's been here since the *first* time I left because of the "attaboy" club. It's the same comment he's always cut and pasted, except I think his spelling has improved.

I must say, tho, that his photography seems to have improved as well.

The thing that astonished me when I first joined in '02, (yes, a different time, a different place), is that, even tho I didn't have a lot of experience, my having to collect my thoughts and write an impression about someone else's image made *me* a better photographer (me, me, me, it's all about me!). It forced me to stop and look at someone else's presentation and decide what I did or didn't like about it and made me think "How would I have done that?"
So far, I have had two thought-proving comments from other people, one who sounded a teeny bit spiteful but made an accurate observation all the same, and another who's rework pointed out something I had gotten distracted away from noticing. I haven't given up entirely on this community, and I'm certainly ALWAYS glad to see your wonderful images.
Thanks tons, Jim!
        Photo By: Jim Loy  (K:31693) Donor

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/19/2008 4:16:41 AM

Beautifully done, right down to the bokeh.
Perfection for some would have been a bit of catchlight in the eye, but that's not always possible, is it?
        Photo By: Wojtek Kwiatkowski  (K:-27)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/19/2008 4:04:21 AM

I've reposted the original with a bit of PS7 applied to the original. Put a little more red in but basically benefitted BIG time from your suggestion. Thanks again!
        Photo By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/19/2008 3:53:26 AM

Oooo yes, you're obsolutely right!
Thanks, Joe. That's a big improvement!
        Photo By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/18/2008 10:02:31 PM

Hi Nick, Just now I double-checked the exif data on this shot, and I am very surprised to confirm the f4.5 aperture. Many of the other frames in the series are f22 which is how I remember shooting it, giving hyperfocus a try. I'm not quite certain why this is so crisp to infinity. Now I'm pretty puzzled. Pleased, but puzzled.
        Photo By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/18/2008 9:40:10 PM

Marvelous lighting and use of DOF. There is a sensation of delicacy with this seed pod. A couple of spots seem a little hot that is certainly understandable. Nice work.
        Photo By: Sergio Gomez  (K:722)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/18/2008 9:34:27 PM

Hi Stan,
Truth be told, I use the 20D a lot more than the 5D. I like the 5D a lot, but I have PS7 which doesn't process RAW files AND I like the EOS utility for the 20D much better although it won't process 5D RAW files (no clue why). Long story, I know, but the crux is that I shoot the 5D with both RAW and Lfine files (which eats storage) and I shoot the 20D with RAW only. I love RAW and once I commit to an editting software update, I will shoot RAW on both without hesitation. :-)
PS: I tend to use the 5D for 70-200 and 100-400 wildlife/aviary photography and keep the 16-35 on the 20D all the time.
        Photo By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/18/2008 9:26:08 PM

Hi Saad!
Thanks for taking the time to comment!

I had not thought about what the thumbnail looks like, but you're right - the adherence to the rule of thirds (or really strong suggestion of thirds) makes this rather look like a flag.

Mostly I'm concerned with the subtle shading showing up in a print. Posting on Usefilm is all well and good, but hanging it full sized as a printed work of art, a created effort, is what matters to me. If the depth of the different tones ridges doesn't show up in a print, then the whole image doesn't work for me.

But your obversation is of great use to me; it's the stripey-ness (not a real word!) of it is what has been bothering me. If I cropped this as a long postcard, it wouldn't have that 2:3 ratio as most flags do and it wouldn't niggle at me. I do have another frame which shows a silhouette of some pine trees that might work better with a standard crop.
Thanks! You've been a big help!
        Photo By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/18/2008 4:54:22 AM

Well, like I said, it looks fine on my monitor until it's posted onto Usefilm. I guess the compression for posting is just too hard on the subtly of the shades and hues.

The real test will be printing. We're living in a rental house while we find the house to buy (we just moved to Colorado from the Midwest of the US), and I haven't unpacked the good printer. Right now, anything I want to print goes to Costco via online. :)

Again, thanks for taking the time. I'll try playing with the curves and NOT changing it from 16-bit to 8-bit and see how it come out. Those foreground mountains are there! I swear! :-)

        Photo By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/18/2008 4:46:24 AM

I think it is hilarious that this is still up and causing ooooohs!
        Photo By: Terrence Kent  (K:7023)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/18/2008 4:41:12 AM

Phil, I don't know if you remember me from a zillion years ago, but I remember your brilliant sense of humor (what, with the space aliens medical portraits and all).
I hope you can help your family get through this loss as painlessly as possible. I was very sorry to read of your tragedy. These acts of violence against our youth just rend my heart, and I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Best regard,
        Photo By: Phillip Cohen  (K:10561) Donor

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/18/2008 4:31:47 AM

Hi Stan!
The question in the upload form "Name of film" makes me bonkers. So I've taken to naming my CF cards. There's Sarah, Millie, Gertrude (named after the duck in Journey to the Center of the Earth), and yet undisclosed is Michelle. I should have named them after famous photogs (Dorothea, Diane, Lisa), but that will have to wait until I buy more CF cards. I have found out that the 5D is a hungry beast and needs larger and larger cards. Talk about all your eggs in one basket!
        Photo By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/18/2008 4:26:55 AM

Hi there, Joe. Looks like you found my mountains! My original on my PC looks like yours online, except without the pixelation/noise. Since I'm here to learn, what process did you do, other than just adjust brightness/contrast (cuz I noticed my clouds have lost a little something by the upper edge.
Thanks for taking the time to run the image through PS CS3. I have been using PS7, partly out of frugality and partly because it still works well.
        Photo By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/17/2008 8:49:34 PM

Spilled beer?!?! Oh, the humanity! :)
        Photo By: Stan  Hill  (K:35352) Donor

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/17/2008 7:49:44 PM

Hi Stan. Looks like you need to clean your lens or your sensor, guy! It's a bit spotty which kinda detracts from the image. I think it would help the composition, too, if you were to crop the top a bit, moving the horizon out of center.
Forgive me if you don't like ppl messin' with your images, but I took the liberty to photoshop a crop and to do away with some of the spots closest to the moon.

PS: Paolo is right; it is VERY painterly.
        Photo By: Stan  Hill  (K:35352) Donor

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/17/2008 7:35:35 PM

Must be my monitor. It looks a little noisy/pixelated in the upper right. Sorry.
        Photo By: Larry Fosse  (K:66493)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/16/2008 5:40:07 PM

That makes perfect sense. Again, good job.
        Photo By: Lars Dahlin  (K:610) Donor

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/16/2008 5:37:14 PM

Thank you, Lars, for taking the time to comment. This was evening; my husband was working hard setting up camp while I was "doing the artist thing" and trying to capture the light.
The original image did not have the horizon directly in the center and was compliant to the "Rule of Thirds" but if didn't seem to emphasize the subject of the layers of mountains as I liked. Can it be forgiven for cutting the image in half between light and dark? I know what the "Rule" is but I like to think of it as the "Really Strong Suggestion of Thirds" and decided to break the "Rule".
        Photo By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/16/2008 5:29:34 PM

Big Sky Country, that's for certain!

Nice capture.
        Photo By: Stan  Hill  (K:35352) Donor

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
8/16/2008 5:28:13 PM

There seems to be a little bit of noise in the field of this image, but it doesn't matter because it works very very well. I love the backlighting on the wing.
May I ask what the ISO was for this frame?
        Photo By: Larry Fosse  (K:66493)

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