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Critique By: Joel Aron  (K:14920)  
3/12/2006 8:45:03 AM

Wow! Stunning!!
I love the depth you've captured! I have a series that looks like this, but not with the color, and life that you've photographed.

very beautiful! very well done! congrats on the awards...well deserved!

        Photo By: Kessia & Morgan UVA  (K:7265)

Critique By: Joel Aron  (K:14920)  
12/14/2006 7:49:41 AM

Hi Shirley!

This works very well!

If you don't mind, i'm gonna put my work hat on, and suggest a few things to help tie these elements together. :) 16 months of working on 'Peter Pan' a few years ago had me seeing Tinkerbell *everywhere* :)

The biggest issue here is that both images were shot with different centers, and focal lengths. Since you're using a zoom lens, this is going to make your blend of the two images very difficult. One trick to do, is to pinch in your background layer a little bit with the lens correction tool (not the pinch distortion filter). This will fake more depth to your background, and help her blend in to the backgrounds depth cleaner.

The other, is my soft spot with all composited images. The black values. It's the give-away that there are two layers. Your model layers' blacks are good in color, however, the background has about 1/2 the color depth in the blacks.. so no matter what, you're going to be spinning color wheels and blurring edges all day long, and the the model layer is always going to float over the bg. For an image like this, I would set a monitor setting that BLAST your screen in gamma to almost 3. Then you see all the black values like someone turned on the lights! This is what we do at work, and it's the best, and most simple tool to match the low end values. Grain is the next big issue...and very easy to match on the layers while you're monitor is blasting at gamma 3.0. Once you have the color, and contrast of the blacks, and mid tones that feed into them... set your monitor back, and like magic, you're images blend in together. Pull the blacks down over all together with the levels, and it's the cherry on the cake!

:) hope you don't mind my input. You're getting very good at comps, and you do so many of them, that I hope to see more!!
...if you can do this kidna work on moving movie footage, then send me a resume'! :) We are always looking project people, and with a project like 'Pirates of the Carribean 3' to get done in the next 5 months, it's all hands on deck matey!

        Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174058) Donor

Critique By: Joel Aron  (K:14920)  
6/8/2006 5:27:10 AM

Janet Marie,

this is stunning!!! I can't get over the way that all of the layers stack up over themselves so well! the details are just unreal!!!

I love you attention to the contrast, and tone... those dark trees in the foregound, and the stepping of the hills that fold away into the haze. *wonderful* shot. One of you best!

congrats on the double award... you very well deserved it!

cheers, and so glad you stopped for to take the photo! one of my favorites!

        Photo By: Janet Marie ;-)  (K:-2076)

Critique By: Joel Aron  (K:14920)  
4/6/2006 9:49:04 PM


Very nice image. My comment is about the gradiant box. It took a beautiful image of a magnolia, and upstaged it. For my taste, the image would of looked better against a solid black background. The details, and DOF is so nice with this, that it does not have the power that it should have. Know what I mean? Even the fact that the branch is screened over by the white grad takes the depth away for me. The flower against black would look so elegant.

The flower itself is beautiful! Very well composed and exposed!


        Photo By: Jill Bartlett  (K:8130) Donor

Critique By: Joel Aron  (K:14920)  
4/2/2006 10:14:14 AM


wild composition. my first thought in viewing it, was that it reminded me of my childhood. Like an old memory of looking out a window at the ocean as a child, and this is my lasting image of that moment.

I love the dirt, the grain, the colors, and that grad on the top and bottom that give the feeling of an old photograph. very nice!

well done in my book!

        Photo By: Joćo F * Photography  (K:41945) Donor

Critique By: Joel Aron  (K:14920)  
1/30/2006 11:01:09 PM

Possibly the best of all your self portraits There's obviously something different here from al lthe rest, and that's makes it stand out. Your DOF, and crop choice are all perfect! What would be nice.. to see this bigger! Push the usefilm limit on this one.. upload another version at max rez! You may also want to pull some the highlights up on the pearls. Because they are the center interest of the shot, your eye doesn't go there. My wandered a bit before I found the pearls.

Well done! Keep up with the B/W, and push more contrast!

        Photo By: kristen anderson  (K:-100)


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