I just didn't get around to photographing my old Hanukkah menorah ("Hanukkia") during the holiday, but it was too good a subject to pass up. I set it up on a glass coffee table in our living room and turned out the room lights. The first pictures exposed the candles and branches OK, but the body and base were almost invisible. I "painted" them with a $1.00 flashlight during subsequent exposures. This is the best of the series of exposures.
Interestingly, the 8x10 inkejet print I made looks better than the way it shows up onscreen. There is more fine detail and the brass is "brassier."
hi, can't understand why out of 94 views there would be no comments???? This is an excellent example of technique with artificial light + natural candle light...very nice still life with a patina look to the base showing a good amount of brassy detail...the about says how much effort you put into this and it was well worth the time,Steve...regards,gayle