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wild night
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Image Title:  wild night
Favorites: 2 
 By: Art McCaffrey  
  Copyright ©2014

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Photographer Art McCaffrey  Art McCaffrey {Karma:23645}
Project #42 Moody Landscape Camera Model nikon d3200
Categories Landscape
Film Format Digital RAW

Lens nikon DX 18-135mm
Uploaded 7/29/2014 Film / Memory Type sd
    ISO / Film Speed 400
Views 3189 Shutter 15s
Favorites Aperture f/3.5
Critiques 32 Rating
/ 7 Ratings
Location City -  elena
Country - Bulgaria   Bulgaria
About taken last night at 11.43,. added lowkey,.
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There are 32 Comments in 1 Pages
Art McCaffrey Art McCaffrey   {K:23645} 4/14/2018
,. many thanks mariza,
indeed the elements have a fascinating beauty,
regards, art,.


mariza lementowski   {K:4584} 4/13/2018
fascinating beauty of the sky and mountains, Art !fav 7


Art McCaffrey Art McCaffrey   {K:23645} 10/17/2014
indeed, a wild night konstantin, thank you very much for looking back and comment,. appreciated,. regards art,.


Konstantin Yudintsev   {K:3253} 10/16/2014
Electrified all wide and yonder


Art McCaffrey Art McCaffrey   {K:23645} 8/18/2014
thank you very much roby,. so glad you like,. best regards art,.


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 8/17/2014
woooow tht amazing thunderstorm in timing captured!!!
congrats my friend..


Art McCaffrey Art McCaffrey   {K:23645} 7/31/2014
thank you so much ness,. i,m sure i,ve seen programes on the internet that can create your own lightning forks,. would be great for your next masterpiece,. my best regards art,. keep well,.


vanessa shakesheff vanessa shakesheff   {K:68840} 7/31/2014
My turn to congratulate you ,, great timing and picture , I am always to scared to take lightning pictures , my luck I will get struck hugs ness


Art McCaffrey Art McCaffrey   {K:23645} 7/30/2014
thank you jose, as always appreciated,. keep well,. best regards art,.


Art McCaffrey Art McCaffrey   {K:23645} 7/30/2014
many thanks ayan,. regards art,.


Art McCaffrey Art McCaffrey   {K:23645} 7/30/2014
fully appreciate feedback gary,. yes i agree i could crop some off the bottem frame to improve,. i think i left it because the stone caps on stacks look level to me, also there is another range of mountains obscured by cloud and mist, so its just the fall of the land,. think i will try cropping the smaller stack out,. very much appreciated, again thanks ,. regards art,.


a. Scarabeo a. Scarabeo   {K:16333} 7/30/2014
Congratulations my friend, glad for award for a great photograph.
Best wishes art.


Ayan Mukherjee   {K:7990} 7/29/2014
Congratulation for Bip art


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 7/29/2014
Great shot, Art... My only "beef" about this is that the horizon seems just a bit off. With a little rotation and cropping you would also eliminate just a bit of dark off the bottom increasing the overall effectiveness of this photo (all in my humble opinion, of course ;) ) Cheers, Gary


Art McCaffrey Art McCaffrey   {K:23645} 7/29/2014
thank you bruce, many flashes and forks, i missed loads while the camera was saving each shot,. lesson learned was, get two camera,s , shoot one while the other is saving image, especially with 15 to 30sec exposures,. appreciate you looking in and comment,. regards art,.


Bruce Morrison Bruce Morrison   {K:1767} 7/29/2014
Awesome looking storm captured here, great capture ,regards Bruce


Art McCaffrey Art McCaffrey   {K:23645} 7/29/2014
thank you darryl, thanks for looking in and comment,. appreciated,. regards art,.


Darryl  Barclay Darryl  Barclay   {K:6818} 7/29/2014
Wonderful lightning photo Art. I don't see much lightning in Northern California...lots of fog though. Your time exposure did a great job of capturing the lightning bolts and the purple glow in the clouds. Condgratulations. Darryl


Art McCaffrey Art McCaffrey   {K:23645} 7/29/2014
many thank,s barbara, really is appreciated,. my best regards art,.


Barbara Socor   {K:13559} 7/29/2014
Wow! A remarkable and beautiful capture....Gorgeous!


Art McCaffrey Art McCaffrey   {K:23645} 7/29/2014
yes, had a luvly cup of tea thank you,.ha,. there was alot of light all around, could see detail in the roof and stack below me, so low key solved that,. thank you jose , much appreciated,. my best regards art,.


a. Scarabeo a. Scarabeo   {K:16333} 7/29/2014
Wild Mountain Disco Night, hope had the right drinks Art.
Perfect elements photograph, lowkey works very well.
Best regards.


Art McCaffrey Art McCaffrey   {K:23645} 7/29/2014
not really sreeradha, taken from my bedroom window,. so fairly safe,. thank you for looking in and comment,. regards art,.


sreeradha  seth   {K:1515} 7/29/2014
you are a very brave person Art!


Art McCaffrey Art McCaffrey   {K:23645} 7/29/2014
thank you very much nigel for looking in and comment,. regards art,.


Art McCaffrey Art McCaffrey   {K:23645} 7/29/2014
thank you jill,. only scary when directly overhead,. i find the elements exillerating,. keep safe,. much much art,.


Nigel Watts.   {K:5236} 7/29/2014
Nice landscape and lightning
Great photograph


Jill Bartlett Jill Bartlett   {K:8130} 7/29/2014
So much power in the sky,scary. Very well captured Art.
stay safe, Best. Jill


Art McCaffrey Art McCaffrey   {K:23645} 7/29/2014
thank you very much marcos,. for looking in and comment,. best regards art,.


Art McCaffrey Art McCaffrey   {K:23645} 7/29/2014
thank you ayan,. much appreciated,. best regards art,.


Marcos R Fernandes Marcos R Fernandes   {K:3630} 7/29/2014
Trabalho lindíssimo, captura, composição e cores excelentes. Cumprimentos.


Ayan Mukherjee   {K:7990} 7/29/2014
Great moment and excellent capture art,
nice colour too, my best regards




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