The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 7/9/2012
Awesome series of portraits!
Umberto Fortini
{K:3309} 8/20/2009
Composizione stupenda, eccellente lavoro sul filo dell'essenzialitą... bello!
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 11/6/2007
nice job, good. Ciao
Kanishka Dasgupta
{K:2026} 11/3/2006
Excellent use of space, great work.
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/25/2006
Cleveland, thankyou so much for taking the time to view the series and leave your thoughts and congratulations, very much appreciated!! cheers, Bek
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/25/2006
Hey there Paul, the award is great, and I owe it to the few of you who started following the story as it was being posted (you and the others who kept it going for me) so a big thankyou to you!!!Wow...lot of 'you's in that sentence, I could start a sheep farm!! B ;^)
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/25/2006
Thanks again Roby for your great comments on my work, these were so much fun to do, and the award was a nice surprise for me, cheers, Bek
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/25/2006
Taran, you have put a huge smile on my face with your great comment, thankyou so much!! :^) I am very happy that you like this series and it's uncommon line, cheers and big hugs for making my day!!! Bek
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/24/2006
Doyle, since this is your fave in the series I will reply here to all of your comments on this little story. Firstly, a HUGE thankyou for taking the time to put on your coat, get out the fingerless mittens and boiled lollies and peruse these shots!! I am eternally grateful...lol. Am also very happy that you too got to view these in order, I think some people jumped in in the middle and missed the 'feel' of the story...and ya' just can't do that, ya' miss the point. It seems our Dear Robin is not the sweet floral-snapping innocent we all thought she was!! Perhaps the good doctors will adjust that malfunction today for her!! As for a 'series award'...I did think of that after I had finished this and was awarded the DOD, but when I placed my 'four' posting and was looking at the project categories, it kind of fell then into 'personal style', so that covered the series thingy (another very technical term) for me. But yes, a 'story in pictures' category for the projects would be a great idea, perhaps you know someone with a bit of 'pull' that could get in the UF'ers (everytime I write that I feel REALLY bad) ears....hmmm, can you think of anyone...LOL.
OK, that's my ramble for the morning, once again, I value your comments greatly, don't forget to get Marlyce to take your coat to the cleaners next time she takes your pink nightgown, cheers and cheap beers, Bek ;^)
{K:1284} 10/24/2006
Bingo! You win my artist of the week award. Congrats on this fine piece. Its different, ya know? A series with style.
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 10/24/2006
Bek: I'm so glad this (likely the best image of the series) made the front page and drew my attention . . . Wow . . . . wondrous creative work and just so cool....... Thank goodness Robin's comment verified the 'risque' aura I had noticed in the series . . . guess I can pack up my "dirty ol' man" trenchcoat again - Heheheheee . . . weeelllll . . . at least till tomorrow! LoL!
Impressive Bek . . . VERY impressive.
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Cleveland Smith
{K:7006} 10/24/2006
Rebecca, congratulations on Donor Image of the Day award, very well deserved. This whole series is beautifully done.
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 10/24/2006
Congrats on the award Rebecca....I knew these shots would pay off!! Great job and again CONGRATS!!
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 10/24/2006
woow rebecca.. a ver nice highkey vision.. well done just a DOD! roby
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174145} 10/24/2006
You're welcome, dear Bek!:)
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/24/2006
Elisa, thankyou so much for your congrats and kind comment, much appreciated, cheers, Bek
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/24/2006
Thankyou Shirley for the congrats, am smilin'like a fool, grin from ear to ear!! LOL hugs, Bek
{K:26787} 10/24/2006
Almost like a drawing ... very nice postprocessing, Rebecca; good work! Congrats!
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174145} 10/24/2006
Congratulatins on making the front page, dear Bek!:)
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/23/2006
Thankyou so much Maurizio for your kind comments, cheers, Bek
Maurizio Massetti
{K:30463} 10/22/2006
Excellent post-production!
Robin W
{K:16308} 10/22/2006
Recognition can do that to you...I know, I have the same goofy grin when the "powers that be" notice something I've posted...God, it's great!!!
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/22/2006
OK Robin, spill the beans...who did you pay and how much???? Gloat all youl like (I am..LOL) have been floating around all day with a goofy grin on my face, am so silly! Thankyou so much for your congrats and high praises ;)))) hugs, Bek xxx
Robin W
{K:16308} 10/22/2006
Yipee, Yahoo....hate to say I told you so...but I told you so! There was NO question in my mind about this being award worthy (others perhaps, but not that)...Congratulations Bek...well deserved!
Take care...Robin
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 10/22/2006
WHOOOHOOOOO BEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We both got an award (again)on the same day!!! LOL!!!
I KNEW this one would ROCK IT IN BABE!!!!
Hehehe.. let the people have a field day with gossiping about us!!!! ROFL!
CONGRATS my Dear Friend!!!
Bigs Hugs~ Ani :)x
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/22/2006
Thankyou so much Ann. This series was great fun to put together, shots from the vault from long ago when I was mucking around with the self-timer (except the last two). cheers, Bek
Ann Van Breemen
{K:13399} 10/22/2006
This is excellent, Rebecca. Congrats on DOD. Well done. Cheers, Ann.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174145} 10/22/2006
Well, your 'best bits' are beautiful, but I've seen your self-portrait and you are beautiful with all of your face showing, too, Bek!:)
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/22/2006
Only look like this because only the best bits are on show!!!! LOL Thankyou for your compliment Shirley (am blushing), cheers, Bek
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/22/2006
Hey there Phil, alas...I fear you have infected me with you perfectionist bug, there are so many things I can see in these shots now that I would change...LOL! I would have loved to have put a runny mascara tear on this one, hindsight is a killer!!! Thankyou for taking the time to view this little story, a bit of fun for me to construct. Thanks for the congrats too, I am very excited about this one. I appreciate your comments immensley, cheers, Bek :))))
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 10/22/2006
A very evocative image, Rebecca! I can really feel her guilt and despair! IMHO, this is the most effective of the series! Well done!
Congratulations on your DOD award!
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174145} 10/21/2006
Aha...you are SO beautiful, dear Bek!:)
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/21/2006
YAY Robin!!! Yes hon, you got it alright :) LOL. Risque but in a subtle, cryptic way...(ok, not so cryptic or subtle, the angle of #5 kind of gave THAT part away!!). cheers, B xxx
Robin W
{K:16308} 10/21/2006
A let down?...no, no, no you silly girl! Yes, everyone loves a good story, especially if it is a bit risque! (if I got it properly, sometimes I think I "get it" but I'm way off)
Really, GREAT work my friend!!!
Hugs back...Robin
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 10/21/2006
No no no Bek!!!
ANOTHER story would be great is what I meant...:)
BTW, I have posted a couple of sepia portraits with you in mind... lol...
And DARN... I missed us on the home page... never mind... good team work just the same :)
Hugs~ Ani :)
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/21/2006
Sorry Ani, the last part has just been posted and the tale is now told...LOL. Thanks again for the thumbs up....did you see us on the home page again?? Nice teamwork hey!! hugs, B
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 10/21/2006
Very clever series Bek! Love the effect and I also love stories!!!
More please!!! :) Hugs~ Ani :)
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/21/2006
Hey there Shirley, thankyou so much for all of your kind comments on this series, it was a lot of fun to post...and yes...you caught me out!!! This IS me, the shots were from ages ago when I posted my first self-portrait image, you clever girl you. cheers, Bek
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/21/2006
Hi Sandra, if you go back to the first image in this series in my PF you may just figure out the 'guilt' from the shots and each title...LOL. It's a bit tricky because they appear back to front, with the first part appearing earlier etc....rambling on here, anyway, thanks for your great comment, cheers, Bek
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/21/2006
Hey there Ani, a funny thing about this series...the first post (yesterday) was just a muck around in PS and the whole story evolved from there!! I had to quickly take the last two shots when I got home from work tonight at 10:30 to finish off the 7 part story and the makeup and lighting were different from the original shoot, but what can ya do?!! hugs, Bek
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/21/2006
Hi Christian, am very happy to hear you are enjoying this story, but, alas (LOL), it is now over. I appreciate your kind comment, cheers, Bek
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/21/2006
Now, now Jan, a girl can only do so much!!! LOL...thanks for following this funny little story, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. cheers, Bek
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/21/2006
Hey there Robin!!! How did this turn out? Hope it wasn't a let down...LOL!From what was originally a bit of fun I am surprised at the response, but then again, everyone loves a good story hey? hugs, Bek
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 10/21/2006
OK-- now this one is my favorite-- what is next: remorse after guilt? Can't wait! --Jan
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 10/21/2006
Ooooh! I like this one even better!!!
Fabulous Bek!!!
Hugs~ Ani :)
Sandra Anderson
{K:5837} 10/21/2006
Wow...these are great...wonder what you're feeling guilty about though!!! ;) S
Robin W
{K:16308} 10/21/2006
I'm glued to the monitor!!!
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174145} 10/21/2006
Also wonderful, Bek!:)
christian gatti
{K:552} 10/21/2006
i have to admit i love this series. great shot . hope to see more ciao christian
Leonie Fitzpatrick
{K:40551} 10/21/2006
:) Absolutely love the the space... Clever placement... This I cannot wait to see the finale...
Well done Bek..